On George Lincoln Rockwell Part 2

In part 1 of this series my attitude was largely mocking and insulting which was meant to shock his fanclub and the cult of delusionals who take Rockwell and his image at face value, despite him being an obvious caricature and “nazi villain” of the type Hollywood reinvents every time new white-guilt propaganda needs to be rolled out.

In this piece I will attempt to avoid repeating that energy, but it may be difficult for me to totally reign in my contempt so bear with me.

Let’s dive in:

In the previous article I mentioned his childhood being raised as an actor by his parents, and how he dialed in his character as actors often do using props. Most importantly I mentioned his use of General Douglas MacArthurs corncob pipe as a prop to get him into the headspace of the role he wished to play, namely as a strong leader.

Why General MacArthur? The General was a well respected and highly recognized leader of men; strong, charasmatic, intelligent, formidable, and who was incidentally heavily obsessed over by Rockwell before he was selected for his role as plastic fuhrer by the powers that be. By Rockwells own account in “This Time the World” he was at one time almost a total fanboy of this man and claimed that he would have been the “Greatest President”. While it can be reasoned that this was an attempt to further stain MacArthur’s memory due to Rockwell’s affiliations we will not go further in this direction. Rockwell most likely took great enjoyment from acting out fantasies of himself as the dynamic MacArthur.

Also MacArthur was rabidly hounded as being the “next Hitler” by many in the media for his staunch nationalist attitudes which did not escape Rockwell or his employers. This can be seen in excerpts from “This Time The World”, one of Rockwells two unremarkable books. As a side note why did Rockwell need two “Mein Kampf” like books which said basically the same thing when Hitler had only one? Because Rockwell was operating from a place of contempt and inferiority, and from a need to be better, bigger, more dynamic, effective, etc than Hitler. The best played role is laid out larger than life for maximum impact, and you have to play it hard if you’re going to attach yourself to and subvert the name and symbolism of a man with that much historical impact.

An admission of his own illegitimacy:

As you know from my previous writings National Socialism was not created for or given to anyone but German citizens of the greater German third empire. It was a nationalist movement and as such was meant for one specific people, because that’s what authentic nationalism does. Nationalist movements are by their definition not “international”. Anti-nationalist movements like Marxism, Globalist Capitalism, and other such things are international.

Of course Rockwell knew this, he openly admitted to it in “This Time the World”. Rockwell lamented the fact that Hitler was an isolationist, a German chauvinist, and had no interest at all in a global movement, or a Europe wide movement, or a pan-racial movement.

Considering Rockwell’s knowledge of this inconvenient truth and that he took strong issue with it any thinking person would wonder why he insisted on stealing the name and symbolism of a movement which never was intended for export and which would never have allowed him as a member. Sure, the NSDAP allowed volunteers to fight along side them, but it was a war against international bankers and the looming threat of global communism. Neonazis seem to shrug off that Germany was allied with the Japanese and helped train the Nationalist Chinese army and the Indian resistance forces which tried to run the British empire out of India. They pretend that foreign volunteers were somehow citizens of the Reich and therefore “National Socialists” and because of this any “white man” could have been. I suppose if that’s the case then the various Moslems and Orientals and Africans which were allowed to volunteer must also have been citizens of the Third Reich with full membership in the party. Pick one or the other. Either foreigners who fought were allowed in or they weren’t……… How many historically illiterate neonazis will claim that Hitler allowed all of these non-Europeans full citizenship and political rights? They can’t have it both ways.

I’m sure many of you are aware of the Leon DeGralle quotes about NSDAP Germany often titled online as “We Dreamed of Something Marvelous”. How many of you paid attention to his words which refer to it as a “German movement” multiple times and nothing else? If DeGralle had no problem calling it that there is no honest reason for anyone else to oppose it.


“Hitler, never having traveled, was an incurable isolationist and chauvinist.”
and “Had he started from the beginning, not with a GERMAN movement, but with a WHITE MAN’S movement encompassing all white men in the world, he would have taken a lot longer to win but he would have been sure of winning. You can’t beat an international movement with a national movement any more than you can create a nice clean place in a sewer.”

Of course reading this you can see two things. Firstly an open admission that National Socialism was, as Hitler loved saying, “not for export” and was German only. Secondly you can see that Rockwell was actually anti-nationalist and clearly believed that no nationalist country, or coalition of nationalist countries could ever resist the present global order. His attitude was that globalism is needed to fight globalism, so he was in fact a globalist. Considering everything I have read in his books I think he was a Globalist Capitalist. He definitely was not interested in any third position political or economic views that I know of. Aside from basic rants about international finance and bankers he really had no problem with parasitic capitalism, as long as it was done by the “white man”. You would think that for someone who pretended to have such a deep connection with Hitlers party that he larped around in costumes trying to look like them, well, you would think he would at least know that WW2 really was a close call and that it could have easily gone the other way. Especially if the USA never entered the fight.

I hope you see the dismissive and demeaning attitude Rockwell had for Hitlers movement as being a hypocrisy of the strongest order when Rockwell attempted to steal so much from them for his own use. …..Yet another aspect of the man that doesn’t make sense if he was “legitimate”.

What Rockwell described in his book while criticizing staunch nationalism of the NSDAP was the creation of what we know today as the “white nationalist” movement. Rockwells fetish for stealing didn’t end with Hitler. Rockwell also stole the concept of “white nationalism” from the radical Marxist “black nationalists”, stole the communist black power fist and colored it white, and recycled the slogan “black power” into “white power”. Of course he knew who was really behind Marxist black nationalism. This did not bother him and you will see why by the end of this article.

His post war-pre naonazi history.

In ‘This Time the World’ Rockwell mentioned a fair amount of running around with various dubious characters in the “conservative” spectrum. He referred to most of them as “secret nazis”. While most of what he claimed cannot be verified and clearly some of it is made up he does mention his impression and opinion of important figures at the time including Senator Joseph McCarthy. What is extremely notable is his lack of mentioning figurehead people who were highly important and highly respected in American Nationalist circles such as John Beaty or Robert Welch. John Beaty, who wrote “Iron Curtain Over America”, who was a veteran of both world wars, who was so high up in the intelligence chain that he prepared the presidents daily report on world affairs, and who personally interviewed hundreds if not thousands of intelligence assets.

A far smarter and more legitimate man than Rockwell, who by some “coincidence” Rockwell seems to have never heard of.
We are supposed to believe that Rockwell had no knowledge of these men and their open effort to expose the same people Rockwell claimed to be against?

If Rockwell was legitimate he would have surely heard about this John Beaty, his impact, his credibility, and his following in higher levels of the various military branches. Not only would he have heard of this man he would have spoken highly of him and his work. While most of Rockwells rants were pure speculation John Beaty actually had the research and work put in to verify his claims. Of course there is the issue that John Beaty was an actual Nationalist. Casting light on the self-chosen tribe and their manipulations in the United States as well as globally would definitely have brought him to the attention of someone like Rockwell.

Considering that Rockwell was not legitimate we can see why he would wish to keep from giving this man even more attention. The illegitimate does not stand well next to the legitimate.

One of Rockwells important pre-neonazi connections which he suspiciously misrepresents is his time working under William F Buckley and assisting Buckley in setting up the National Review. As many people know Buckley was a CIA asset who was instrumental in turning nationalistic conservatism and isolationism into neoconservatism that’s pro-zionist and globalist. Considering the aims of Buckley, and his allies in the Zionist movement it’s again clear to see why Rockwell avoided mentioning John Beaty, and instead aimed for promoting the Hollywood style “nazi-menace” image which helped stifle ethnic self interest in European Americans. Of course Rockwell had a dismissive attitude for Buckley in ‘This Time the World’, which was an act to mask the true reason why he was working for a man with the connections Buckley had. When Rockwell claimed that Buckley was “cagey on the jewish question”, well, what would one expect from a man whose coffers were filled by the CIA and Zionist Lobby, and who was tasked with re-engineering conservatism to be more in line with the new order? Of course Rockwell knew this and his attacks on his former boss are purely damage control considering that everyone of importance knew he had been a devout follower of Buckleys and that he must distance himself from Buckley in order to preserve Buckleys public image.

It’s worth noting that Buckley was an important figure in Regnery Publishing which promoted destructive and toxic libertarian ideals such as those promoted by Ayn Rand, and which was also meant to advance the new vision for American Conservatism. Many of you are familiar with my old quote “What have the conservatives conserved?”, well thanks to Buckley and Regnery they have not conserved much of anything and it is on purpose.

Rockwell was chosen for his role as plastic Hitler while working for Buckley founding the “National Review”, Buckleys neo-conservative newspaper.

Rockwell’s Holocaust Fetish:

In the late 1950s and early 1960s the “holocaust” wasn’t very widely known. It wasn’t a part of American curriculum and it wasn’t talked about on television or in the movies. Historical books documenting the war made little to no mention of it and the official Red Cross documents on the war also failed to mention it.

Considering this you would be smart to question the motives of a man in a homemade nazi costume who went to public events, protests, and almost any situation that would put him in front of a television camera or journalist to shout “SIX MILLION MORE, THIS TIME THE WORLD” Indeed at this time almost nobody in the USA had heard the number 6 million in conjunction with questionable wartime activities done by the NSDAP.

Rockwell also had a peculiar habit of casually talking about gassing people when giving interviews to the media. The image he worked hard to promote was absolutely in line with the narrative looking to be pushed by Hollywood and the ADL. Some people would say you cant buy that kind of publicity but in this case I would argue that they did and they got every dollars worth.

In one print article I own a copy of, from the Texas Observer, dated October 05 1962 Rockwell goes out of his way to play this outlandish cartoon role. Here are some selected quotes from this article.


From the article author:

“Knowing that the more publicity fanatical he is, the more publicity he can wrest from the news columns, Rockwell obliges with a brand of scurrility that would have made Hitler turn green with envy, and he supplements it with a peculiar sense of humor that both embarrasses and confuses his critics. How does one take seriously a person who casually discusses which US Jews will have to be gassed when he takes over and then adds they will have their choice of flavored gasses- raspberry, tutti-frutti, or heliotrope?”

“Rockwells publications reflect the caliber of his organization. They are semi-literate”

“The Stormtrooper is a monthly 32 page magazine” “Containing features such as a “surrender pass” which entitles the holder to such benefits as being ‘gassed toward the very last’ and meanwhile being lodged at “the fabulous new Miami Beach hotel, the Auschwitz Arms”

From Rockwell:

“Nothing can now stop us, and the Jews are already talking about ‘smelling the gas’. Our motto is ‘The Jews are through in 72’. (Which is the year Rockwell plans to be elected President.)”

“We advocate gas chambers for traitors because the extent of the traitorous conspiracy requires a large scale method of execution.”

Of course none of his public antics could do much to help his own cause. We all know his excuse, that he was simply fishing for attention to spread his message, but unless his goal was to turn anything he mentioned into a joke that people would reject, it is clear that he was either a moron with no idea of how people work, or more likely acting as a provocateur on behalf of another agenda to discredit one narrative and advance another narrative. You understand which view I have regarding this.

His Jewish membership:

As noted in Part 1 Rockwell did indeed have more than just a couple Jewish members. His fanboys will claim he was “infiltrated”, but this is clearly impossible considering his open admission of Jewish membership, leaders, and event organizers in another interview I own a copy of. What reason would he have to criticize Buckley for jewish membership when Rockwell had jewish membership? Clearly his criticism of Buckley was fake.

This interview was printed in “The Realist” issue 27, June 1961.

“Q. You said you have a Jewish member?
A. One of the most intelligent, cleverest men here. I don’t know whether I should give his name because the poor kid would be bitterly persecuted.
Q. The name doesn’t make any difference.
A. He has a very Jewish name. And just yesterday he requested membership. And also, the head of my party in Los Angeles- who was just arrested, and put on a wonderful demonstration on behalf of Eichmann (alleged mastermind of holocaust, so essentially a holocaust celebration march)- is named Leonard Holstein, a Jew.
Q. How do you know these guys aren’t spies?
A. I do not know, and there is a possibility they would be, and I’ve told every one of them that they will be suspicion for quite a few years and the first time I catch any of ‘em pulling any shenanigans I will make it very, very clear that stuff doesn’t pay. I believe in the Nazi methods of discipline.
Q. Which in this specific case would be what?
A. Well, all I could do is take legal measures at this point, but in 1972 I will have the courts at my disposal and I shall see that examples are made.
Q. By the way you don’t identify with Abraham Lincoln do you?
A. No, except that I think he was a great man.
Q. Now you expect to be in the presidency in 1972?
A. In ‘73. I’ll be elected in ‘72.
Q. Do you really, actually, sincerely believe this?”
A. With all of my heart, sir. I’ve given up everything in my whole life, everything that’s worthwhile, for this single goal.”

This interview tells us three things:
1. He did have openly Jewish members organizing and leading under him. (At this point it was better to admit it than deny it as he was being exposed by the nationalist community and the intelligence operatives who informed them. It was an open secret in most circles already).
2. He specifically had Jews organizing Holocaust Celebration marches among other things. (Who here isn’t aware of the Jewish fetish of staging “antisemetic” hate events and vandalism?)
3. He seriously expected people to believe that he and his cult believed he was going to become president.

This Jewish leadership and organizational base can be illustrated further by noting his Jewish party secretary and ADL agent Daniel Burros, as well as his protege and intended successor Frank Collin (real name frank Cohn/Cohen). Taking this into account it’s not at all shocking that after Rockwells death, one of Franks own event organizers was exposed in the media as being “James Guttmann” (real name Mordecai Levy), who was an operative for both the ADL and JDL, and who was staying with the Zionist counter-demonstrators who were planning to oppose his Nazi/Klan march in Feb 1979, so they could coordinate together.

The ADL and JDL were running both sides. Considering everything I’ve shown here it would be extremely foolish to believe it hadn’t been this way since the beginning. Zionists invented neonazism, they funded it, they staffed it and they used it for a dual purpose:
1. To keep normal everyday Jews scared of all this fake militant antisemitism so they would toe the line hard and submit with unquestioning loyalty to the Zionist agenda.
2. To discredit any “pro-white” sentiment. Any issue that was talked about by these people was automatically disgusting and because of this the first white guilt propaganda used in the United States was aimed at normal European Americans with the implied message “You don’t want to be like these evil genocidal gas chamber loving freaks do you? Then just accept whats happening and don’t fight back.” Rockwell was used in this way to disrupt the segregation movement in the south and disgust many supporters into abandoning it.

Final thoughts:

It is clear that Rockwell was in no way representing himself as a so called “National Socialist” ideologically. He had no concern for the political doctrines of the NSDAP, and he had no concern for even promoting the idea that he did. It is well established that he was only concerned with being a “NAZI”, whatever that is, which in this case just seems to be someone wearing a costume shouting about Jews and trying to advance a certain destructive narrative that can only benefit our collective enemies. As shown earlier he did recognize and agree that Hitler believed National Socialism was for Germans only.

Did he honestly believe he would become president while larping as a “NAZI” and shouting about jews like some b-rate movie villain? I believe that to be impossible unless he was severely mentally ill and almost totally incompetent. But until his last days he maintained that this would happen, and he would gain power by converting “millions” of Americans into being Hollywood “nazis” like himself. A fantasy like that would even be hard to sell to a 12 year old, yet he expected millions of adult Americans to buy it, or to at least believe that he himself believed it. This calls into question the intelligence and gullibility of his contemporary followers as well.

If you aren’t yet convinced at the very least that there was something extremely suspicious with Rockwell then congratulations, you are a cultist and cannot be saved. If you are smart enough to realize it was a scam, and by extension all of his inventions and the things which branched off from him such as “White Nationalism” and “1488” and the concept that Americans can be “nazis” or “national socialists” are scams too…. Well congratulations. You have just made your first step toward the real truth. Reject the controlled opposition movement meant to hold European Americans back and stop play acting foreign ideologies. Following the path he laid out does nothing but feed the people who are attempting to destroy our civilization and cause our people to become extinct.

Reject the movement, reject neonazism, reject Rockwells globalist White Nationalism, and above all represent your people and nation in a way that actually counts for something. Repeating failed actions from the past will not save us. Promoting people who fetishize the fail movement will not save us. Repeating fail optics will not save us. The movement he created has accomplished exactly nothing for our people. It has only helped those who are attempting to destroy us. It is now and always has been a controlled opposition.

The Upcoming Disturbance – A Worst Case Scenario of the Corona Panic in the USA

A Must Have Book

Many of those who are speculating on how bad things will get in this country, whether its in regard to martial law, food shortages, mass casualties, economic collapse, or whatever else are usually leaving one important variable out of the equation. Our low trust non-homogenous population and how they will react to a collapse.

We have seen videos from China of dead bodies lined up along the sidewalk with blankets or sheets over them waiting for collection like some Monty Python skit about the dark ages. We have seen videos of Chinese people welded into their homes to enforce quarantine. We have seen multiple mass body pits burning in China as proven through thermal satellite images. We have seen videos of Chinese “doctors” running around in full hazmat suits with guns shooting people down in the streets. China may be brutal and insane like any communist regime, no matter how watered down they may be, but I can foresee a scenario that would prompt us here in the USA to see an almost equal level of martial control over the populace. Why? Simply put, because of our “minority population”.

When the people who create and exist in unsafe, dangerous, crime ridden cesspools decide collectively to act out it will cause a large panic, so large that most everyone will be begging for big daddy government to solve it via brutal repression. Martial Law here we come.

Don’t believe me? In New Orleans during Katrina blacks went around in armed groups raping, robbing, and looting. Of course not all blacks did this and some were also victims, but it was still almost totally them doing it. In response the cops went around disarming normal honest people in their homes, sometimes with the armed black looting gangs only half a block away robbing and looting in full view of the cops. If that isn’t enough to convince you then look back to the LA Riots, or the more recent riots in Fergusen Missouri over a dead worthless street hooligan. We have all seen the many screenshots of “black twitter” talking openly about looting and robbing in white areas as soon as they’re able to. Imagine this happening nationally.

As for the so called “Hispanic” population here, look south of the border and see how they’re presently robbing and looting grocery stores, look at how a week ago they tried to hijack a WalMart semi truck after it left a Dallas/ Ft. Worth area distribution center. The driver ran 6 or 7 of them over while attempting to flee the truck jacking. Of course not all “hispanics” will be involved but they are the population from which most of the organized attempts at causing such havoc will be from.

Keep in mind that in hard hit areas like NYC cops are already beginning to to get infected at an alarming rate and are beginning to drop out of service from complications. This will only increase and when the remaining cops quit or when their numbers are too few reality will set in fast. An intended result of all this will be less police on the street one way or another. Public order will decay swiftly and the innocent people will become victims in numbers we haven’t ever seen in our history. Expect to see this happen everywhere to some degree. The options will then be militias, federal troops, or the sheriffs deputizing large amounts of the population to retain order.

I recall the book “Civil War 2” from the 1990s which covered the possible future breakdown of America and which was brave enough to speculate on what the ethnic situation would be in such a scenario. I won’t give away too much here but suffice to say it predicted a great amount of conflict and blood lost on American soil in all regions of the country. Now from the perspective of someone who has read this book, and who can apply the lessons from it to this present situation I truly see a highly chaotic situation preparing to unfold. We are looking at something which, unless the secret hands who hold this farce together slip, will forever destroy the United States and potentially also civilization on this continent, at least for a decade or two.

We all likely have seen the decoded genetic material of the Covid-19 virus and the geneticist who showed the decoded material inserted into it from the HIV virus. We are all likely aware of the artificially long RNA string with its odd and confusing 33 “a” markers at the end of it which clearly can not be a product of natural selection, evolution, or any other natural force. We know we are living in unusual times and its been proven by the handful of articles from big publications stating that it’s now “legal” for scientists to make killer flu strains and other killer viruses. Why now? To proactively excuse what may later be found out and punished.

Here is my take: We have all been exposed to this artificial virus since October in one degree or another. The leak from the Wuhan Level 4 laboratory happened in early October apparently. The Wuhan area is a very large manufacturing hub and a great amount of their products come here. Sick workers making goods that come here, coughing on items and packing materials which then ship directly to us…… allegedly in an optimal environment the virus can last 16 or more days on the surface of something when not exposed to heat or direct sunlight, such as the interior of a box or huge shipping container.

The virus allegedly becomes transmissible in only a few days after exposure. Most cases of infection are “asymptomatic” which means they don’t show any symptoms or only show the most mild of symptoms, but they are still able to pass it on (this makes no sense due to how virii work). Also the vast majority of tests sold by the Chinese have been defective. While some could say this is an accident I would say this is a serious enough situation where such a screw up would not be tolerated by a totalitarian state who really wants this problem squashed. If it was an accident it would not have gone on this long. Clearly the goal is mass global destabilization. The virus has a patent on it in Europe and the USA from what I’ve seen. Vaccines for it were in development since before the outbreak happened and they will be forced onto us at gunpoint if the scoundrels who run everything have their way. Remember who owns big pharma, the banks, the media, and big agriculture.

As the economy collapses, (and it will at some point because it is nothing but a debt based ponzi scheme), and food dries up in these ethnic urban shitholes who rob and steal and bankrupt almost all grocery stores out of their areas, and where fast food places have bulletproof glass around the counters, we can expect them to roam into less ruined areas in search of plunder and food. The societal breakdown described in Civil War 2 will at least partially play out and collide with the pandemic and the governmental wish for total martial law. If anything the ethnic temper tantrums will justify Chinese like levels of regimentation and heavy handedness. Plan on getting away from urban areas if you can… Or perhaps the people like Trump who want the system to limp on will find a way to salvage it and this will just be the Great Depression part 2. But I personally doubt it.

The mass panic from the lemming morons who are hoarding everything is making it hard for anyone else to properly prepare for whats ahead. But we can at least rest easy in the thought that many of these people will leave us nicely stocked pantries and bathrooms when the unrest starts, or when they die off from the virus they catch during their nonstop hoarding runs. (that massive death toll, eh? lol)

We are presently under a 14 day shutdown in most areas. It has rendered many people unemployed. What will happen after? Will everyone go back to work? Unlikely. But if done right, if the shut down ends before a potential upcoming spike in unrelated casualties and reported infections begins we will have a small window of opportunity where the lemmings stop hoarding, and the smart people can stock up on their supplies before the real storm begins.

If we have a future situation anything like China, Iran, or Italy then this present time is like the calm before the storm. Everyone at the top knows there is no such thing as “flattening the curve”. Our medical resources will be vastly overwhelmed in a scenario where 90% or more of the population is exposed to the virus. We can expect that perhaps 80% will have no symptoms and out of the other 20% maybe ¾ will be mild to sub-severe but able to stay at home instead of a hospital. That leaves 5% of the United States requiring direct medical care in a facility. This is a worst case scenario, but by my math that’s around 16,472,035 people between the storm and next summer. This does not factor in the amount of second and third infections in the survivors (presumably you do not build a resistance to this disease thanks to the HIV DNA, but who can be sure? Everything is speculation.). Do we have the ICU beds to take care of 16.5 million people? Do we have the doctors or even the tests available? Urban areas will of course be the worst hit but rural areas will suffer also. The only practical advantage rural areas have is low minority populations and lots of rednecks with guns who wont tolerate any bullshit in their neighborhoods. I foresee rural areas and small towns with regular patrols of veterans and civic minded locals keeping eye out for trouble.

I hope I am wrong but I foresee this thing taking at least a year to fully play out, maybe two. Things will likely never return to normal. The advice to my readers is: wait for the calm before the storm to hit its xenith when hoarders stop panic buying then go out and snap up all the ammo and required supplies you will need, make alliances with people you can trust locally, and band together in the event of trouble, and for the love of the west don’t ruin it with any over the top larpy political fringe talk. There is plenty of time for a well thought out version of that later on when they start wanting answers and you are hunkered down with your collection of videos, memes, saved articles, and pdf books ready to show everyone. You have been stockpiling information haven’t you? Don’t tell me you waste all your time listening to TRS or other worthless podcasts or wearing skull masks taking selfies while doing roman salutes in your bathroom mirror…. Lol. Nah of course you don’t, my readers weren’t in remedial classes growing up.

Remember, normal people don’t like freaks and extremists of any kind. WN dorks are as bad and disruptive in their eyes as commies and for good reason, if you need elaboration feel free to check out my earlier writings. Media lies and idiots acting like bogeymen making them look right have damaged our cause for decades. Blend in, subtly promote the truth, be outstanding and respectable and earn your place as a respected member of the community so over time they will adapt their views if you are an upstanding alpha individual.

Above all stay safe, many of us have our names on lists. I would not put it above this system to set up quarantine camps and start collecting some people who test positive for the virus. You may not even have it but if your name is on the list because they want you removed it will happen anyway. In this case expect to hear “Sorry fella, you may not think you’re sick but your name is on the list. Remember that most cases don’t show symptoms. Come along peacefully or you will be forced to comply”. Keep in mind that you cannot reason with the state agents who come to collect you during this situation. As far as they’re concerned the list is accurate and you’re an infected. They do not see themselves as agents of a great evil. They do not hate you, the people who collected our names for these lists hate you. If they do not see themselves as your enemy you cannot try to reason with them as if they are trying to hurt you. I am not condoning violence, I am condoning evasive measures. My only wish is to see people avoid being hurt. Many of these people in the National Guard and Army Reserves are good well meaning people who want to aid their country in a crisis. If they see enough messed up things they can easily become our allies and comrades against the system later on. The system is aware of this and deathly afraid which is why the top two fake “terror threats” named by them are so called “white nationalists” and “angry veterans”. If things break down far enough expect National Guard members to loot weaponry and vehicles and form their own militias. Refer again to the book Civil War 2 for elaboration on this subject.

When conflict starts to escalate along ethnic lines more people will become aware and band together with their own for defense. This will not make them open to your fringe political ideologies, but it will make them open to your memorized crime statistics and a sense of self preservation will make them act accordingly. They will not want to consider themselves racist, and honestly they will not be. Any of you who show crass racist behavior will likely be shunned. They will genuinely wish things could be different. Remember this and interface with them accordingly. Most of you will not need this advice but there are still far too many people infected with the toxic rhetoric and dead end attitudes of the “movement” who should be aware of this. Hateful attitudes serve nobody. Remember: healthy communities are built on self love, not hate of the other. If you wish to help our people look out for themselves you will act accordingly.

Take care of yourselves, defend your loved ones, defend morality, defend whats left of the west, and live to fight another day.

We will get through this.

Download the PDF of Civil War 2 here: https://mega.nz/#!OBdykKzK!VjifsraHL9NhFYzNcYgJxIURnOPiyKrS33DryGlJLXg

NRA New Orleans Hurricane Katrina Martial Law and Gun Confiscation Video:

On the so called “Black Sun”


EDIT: It has been proven to me that some obscure historical variants of the sonnenrad DO have 12 spokes, however none of them resemble the Wewelsburg sonnenrad otherwise. Because of this the point of this article is unchanged, and it is still widely accepted that the design in the floor of Wewelsburg was custom created by Willigut and Himmler.


All myths regarding the NSDAP period in Germany have been around long enough take on an aura of facthood whether they deserve it or not, this ranges from such things as Hitler being a spastic carpet biter with one testicle to more widely talked about myths where everyone pretends that hydrocyanic-acid gas can be pumped through common metal plumbing fixtures without reacting or spontaneously combusting when contacting alkaline materials like untreated concrete…. Another is misinformation over the existence of a symbol called the “black sun”.

This symbol is loved by a wide swathe of folks, from larping 1488 nerds who aren’t brave enough to use swastikas, to “black sun/ esoteric Hitlerist” cultists, pseudo-historians, and as of the mid 2000’s it has also worked its way into the “heathen” community where Asatru followers mistakenly believe it is an ancient symbol handed down directly from our ancestors.

I’m writing this piece in an attempt to counter the nonsense talked about and promoted by all of them.

The actual history:

When SS leader Heinrich Himmler came upon Wewelsburg castle to use as the headquarters of the SS he ordered a massive renovation and update process to begin. As most people know he was a fan of all things mystical, metaphysical, and legendary, going as far as hiring the charlatan Karl Maria Willigut as an adviser just because the old man could spin a good yarn about such things.

One of the fantasies Himmler was most fond of was the King Arthur myth. In an attempt to emulate part of that he built a round table where he and his highest ranking SS men could meet and talk. As in the myth of the 12 knights at the round table Himmler’s table had room for 12 men. These 12 men would be the leaders of the 12 branches of the SS. To sit underneath it he took ancient Germanic sonnenrad symbols as an example and had an updated, more aesthetic version with 12 spokes designed. 12 spokes was not the only change made, most actual historical versions have an open center, or a crossed center, or the spokes all meet cleanly. Himmler’s also had a circle in the center placed there to hold a golden disk which represented an “eternal flame” which would represent his eternal knighthood of the SS. Its all nice and well inspired stuff to be fair. The man clearly had a flair for this kind of thing and that’s the reason why third reich occultism has been speculated on so heavily and beaten to death by writers, hacks, wannabes, and fake historians ever since… even including the Star Wars franchise as you will see later.

Ancient variants usually had 5 to 7 spokes, and a hollow or cross in the center, None I’ve seen have ever had 12. [UPDATE; I have been shown a historical 12 spoke version, but it doesn’t match the Wewelsburg one.

While the castle sunwheel is clearly inspired by ancient designs it is not one and shouldn’t be considered as such. There is nothing ancient about a custom design from the 1930s.

There is one more important detail which is often ignored due to its inconvenience… The Wewelsburg sonnenrad is green, not black. It never was referred to as a “black sun” by Himmler, the SS or anyone else during the Third Reich……………..

Post War:

Understandably the Wewelsburg castle was off limits to outsiders from the moment the SS purchased it. Also understandably it was off limits to civilians after the war because of its significance to the conquering military powers.

What does this mean? Simply that absolutely nobody other than the SS men, and occupying allied officers ever saw the inside of the castle. Nobody but them knew the sonnenrad was green. The area with the sunwheel in the floor was kept closed off even as the rest of the castle was opened to the public. Nobody but them knew it existed at all, UNTIL…. Well until 1982 when there was a historical exhibit called “Wewelsburg 1933–1945: Cult and Terror Centre of the SS”

Does this give credibility to the post war cultists and neonazis who claim knowledge of the black sun and its deeper esoteric meaning? Some may argue that if they were talking about it in the early 50s before the castle was open to the public they must have known something, but if so why they did they get the color and name of it wrong? If they had inside knowledge from before the end of the war why did they not know it was green? Why didn’t they know it was never called the “black sun”?

The answer for that is the US Third Infantry Division. When they came across the ruins of the castle after Himmler ordered it destroyed their photographer made quick work of saving everything he could on film. BLACK AND WHITE FILM. Film which resulted in photos where the green sunwheel looked black….. His photographs were used in some news papers and magazines.

Again I would ask: How credible is someone who uses the wrong name on a symbol? A name which wrongly describes the appearance of the symbol? A symbol about which they invent & falsely attach esoteric meaning to based on its alleged color then pass it off as inside knowledge of SS occultism and the true spirit of the NSDAP?

This symbol is also used as a prop instead of a swastika in the “esoteric Hitlerism“ cult which began as a lie by FDR and his propaganda men before the war. Goebbels mocked and challenged FDR to produce the evidence that FDR claimed to have so intensely that the American media also demanded it to be released, at which point FDR stopped talking about it.

Goebbel’s statement on FDR’s claims:

This time he made concrete accusations against the policies of the Reich, which he attempted to prove though compromising documents he allegedly possessed.

Mr. Roosevelt claimed that he had proof in his hands that the Axis powers were planning to reorganize South and Central America. They were planning to transform the existing fourteen countries into five states that would be under their control. His proof was a secret map allegedly produced by the Reich government. The American government also claims to possess another Reich document. According to it, the Reich government plans to abolish the existing religions of the world once it has won the war — Catholicism, Protestantism, Mohammedanism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Judaism. They are to be replaced by an international National Socialist church, the cross by the swastika, and God by the Führer. That is what he claims.

It is clear to us that Mr. Roosevelt needed this grand swindle to whip up American public opinion. He needed the heaviest possible ammunition, since the American people are at the moment more intelligent than their government and want absolutely nothing to do with the war in Europe. We really are not all that interested in Mr. Roosevelt’s opinion of the intelligence of his people nor in what he thinks them capable of believing, and normally would see no need to reply to his bald-faced and outrageous lies which so clearly bear the signs of fabrication. In this case, however, it is a matter of a political falsification which seems to us to have a clear and ominous purpose, and gave us such an easy chance to show up the liars to the entire world that we could hardly let the opportunity pass. We had to overcome our moral scruples, however, to confront the liar and ask him where he got these alleged documents from, where they can be found, and if he was ready to show them to the public.

Things went as we expected. Mr. Roosevelt, the president of a nation of 130 million, dodged our questions. He claimed the authenticity of the documents was unassailable; he had them. They could not be published, however, since they were secret and publishing them would reveal the source. And the map in question that carved up Central and South America had markings in pencil which could compromise the source that provided them. He, Roosevelt, did not want to cause any difficulties for the poor chap who passed them along.

As one can imagine, Roosevelt’s answer was not very convincing proof of his hair-raising allegations either at home or abroad. Our tough questions bore fruit. We used the press and radio to propose to the American president that he might publish the incriminating map of Central and South America, perhaps either erasing the ominous pencil markings or covering them up with paper, and to at least publish the text of our notorious plan to begin a campaign against all the world’s religions once the war was over, from Jehovah to Confucius to Christ.

We looked further, and since we could learn nothing more given the stubborn silence of the accuser, we attempted to lure him into a response by massive attacks. Alas, the normally talkative gentleman seemed to have forgotten how to speak. Even the attempts of the American press to learn something more as he visited one of the famous skyscrapers were in vain.

The Reich government published two formal denials on 1 November, which boxed Roosevelt’s ears so strongly that he had to chose between revealing his documents or proving himself a forger and liar to the entire world. He chose the latter. The U.S. press gave headline treatment to the German denials and asked for a response. Mr. Roosevelt accepted the blows, rubbed his checks and said nothing. We made every conceivable suggestion to ease the publication of the documents, but the U.S. president preferred to be thought a liar and forger than to prove his absurd accusations.

These people claiming to have secret inside knowledge from the SS clearly knew nothing, they were a combination of frauds, hucksters, and enemy agents bent on misrepresenting the memories of the SS and NSDAP for their own reasons, but what would you expect from the kind of larping frauds who associated with the paid actor and enemy agent George Lincoln Rockwell?

The REAL “Black Sun” as used in German esoteric circles before WW2:

A modern rendering of the actual “Black Sun” used in German Occult circles.

This is a symbol few people know of, because it was supposedly an actual esoteric symbol used by occult circles, and secondly because it was hardly ever used. While talk of it did get around it was not very widespread. There are a few books which mention it and contain images of it, and I have seen no old books on the subject of so called “nazi occultism” which contain images of the Wewelsburg castle sunwheel referred to in this context.

Now before you armchair experts and angry neos and “black sun” cultists get your panties in a wad and start foaming at the mouth I would like to point out that even George Lucas who wrote Star Wars knew more about the myth, symbolism, and occultism allegedly used by factions of the NSDAP than you do.

In Star Wars, a film series where the empire are “Space Nazis” and the rebels are “Space Partisans” there’s an elite faction on each side which use “Vril Magic” (the force), and the symbol used for the “First Order” is the actual real black sun (not the green castle floor decoration).

There are allegedly connections to older Middle Eastern Saturnian cults which also use a “Black sun” symbol of some type, but I mainly study Germanic history or broader Western history, and am not very concerned with minor details regarding outsiders.

Example of the “real” black sun with “occult inscriptions” shown next to a star wars villain symbol.
Feel bad, even Hollywood knows more than you.

What is “White Supremacism”?

White supremacy is something we have all heard a thousand times from people that attack European Americans who speak out for their best interests. At one point in time some of these misguided people were actually using the term to describe themselves without knowing what it really means.

In the purest definition “white supremacy” would indicate a system where whites rule as the supreme power over anyone and everyone else. The vast vast majority of people called white supremacists these days are usually nothing more than “white separatists” or sometimes just people who don’t enjoy living in diverse areas and who ‘white flight’ to the suburbs or rural areas to get away from loud “minorities”, bumping car stereos, shootings and urban riots, dangerous neighborhoods flooding over into formerly safe ones, section 8 housing ruining formerly safe and tranquil neighborhoods, and similar issues. If a European American or Asian American parent laments the ethnic makeup of the school district and the disciplinary issues of the area as being due to the makeup of the other ethnicities in the student body that too has and will again be called a sign of “white supremacism”.

At some point noticing unflattering aspects about other groups and attempting to avoid these unpleasant things has become synonymous with the urge to rule over them with an iron fist. Like “white privilege” and even calling yourself “white” this is a loaded term that the system uses to beat us all down into submission so we don’t resist their social experimentation.

If someone was to seriously ask me for an example of “white supremacy” in today’s world I would point out that the iron fist “Israel” has over Palestine is the only real current example. You quite literally have an occupation government there which is slaughtering people for fun, which steals their land, burns down their orchards and crops, bulldozes their homes even with them still inside, and then pretends its all justified when a few of them start throwing rocks back at their aggressors. That is supremacism. Where else in the world today can you find “white” people doing this to anyone on any level? If you want to be generous you can also claim that the endless American wars in the middle east and endless occupation forces are another example, and in a way they are, but lets not forget that this is nothing more than the extension of Israeli foreign policy and that the USA is only there as a wardog to do its bidding. I would therefore lump all American aggression in the region as being just another aspect of “Israels” existence and really no different than the plight of the Palestinians in any way other than level of severity.

If you want to find the next best historical example I would point to the extinct British empire. The way in which they’ve treated the Irish, the Scottish, and the Welsh, who the English did NOT consider white has been talked about in many books and needs no further explanation here. The way in which they’ve treated their more swarthy colonies also needs no further explanation but I will still bring up a few aspects of them in an attempt to draw a line between the past and today.

The British empire really came into its proper existence with the revolution of Oliver Cromwell. Cromwell was largely funded by international Jewish money lenders who had been outraged that the Jews had been expelled from England for coin clipping, and that several hundred had been executed as punishment. As a sure sign of things to come the first thing Cromwell did after inviting them back was wage a fresh war of occupation and genocide against the Irish. As Cromwell allowed the Jewish money lenders back into England they wasted no time buying positions of influence in his new “Republic” which set the direction for the future of the so called “British Empire”.

Two revealing incidents of the money lender ran British Empire happened with the Jewish David Sassoon’s influence through his “David Sassoon & Co”. An influence that resulted in two wars with China over opium. While not being widely talked about today David Sassoon, and later his son, ran (among other things) an opium trading operation that he refused to staff with anyone but other Jews. The opium was all grown in the British territory of India, processed by his company and imported along the normal British empire trade routes into China which caused the modern worlds first opioid epidemic. The damage to the economy and social fabric of China was so severe that the Chinese government attempted to put a stop to it.

Considering what we know about Jewish “white supremacy” and how it treats people who dare stand against it we aren’t surprised that in response Sassoon mustered the full might of the British military to crush and subdue the Chinese government and make the world safe for “free trade” once again. Despite having lost one war over this issue the Chinese government tried to stop the epidemic once again, which of course resulted in another war to defend the Sassoon’s drug pushing monopoly. He died in 1864 leaving his son Sir Albert Abdullah David Sassoon in charge of the company. Having made so much money for the “British Empire” Sir Albert Abdullah David Sassoon was awarded the the title of baronet.

Gaining a title of nobility for destroying lives through drugs and warfare…. That to me sounds quite a bit like “white supremacy”. How many of the ethnic British soldiers and sailors had any benefit from this? How many died? Most were conscripts, drafted into service via press gangs, or were simply too poor to find other work. They don’t sound like they had any part in this “supremacy”. The common man often really does have no say or influence but of course according to our attackers, the real “white supremacists”, we must all share the burden while the responsible parties walk away with a clear conscience after lecturing us.

The common thread between the “white supremacist” British Empire and the “White Supremacist” Israeli police state should be very clear to see. To paraphrase Voltaire: “You can tell who rules over you by noting who you are not allowed to question”. This secret history is kept well hidden by the people in power for a good reason, the reason simply being that they have the power and supremacy to do so and they wish not to be seen in their true forms.

Many American readers will say “what about slavery”? Wasn’t African slavery in the Americas another example of “white supremacy”? Yes, it really was, and it is my third example with a common thread in this article. Of course existing before and along side of the African slaves were also tens of thousands of Irish slaves, in the sugar plantations in the Caribbean, as well as in the United States, that’s something I refuse to leave out because of the absolute disgust and denial mainstream historians have with the truth regarding the treatment of the Irish (another symptom of white supremacy I suppose).

As with the David Sassoon & Co mentioned previously who was responsible for heavy trading of various goods and of using extreme force to make sure their business was profitable we had groups like the “East India Trading Company” (Jewish Ran) which had a private military force double the size of the British Empires own military. This company was very heavily involved in the slaving trade which existed previous to the one here in the Americas and is mentioned here as a side note.

Similar to the East India Company and David Sassoon & Co were a multitude of “banking house and financier” (Jews) owned and founded trading companies which while presumably in competition with each other often worked together in mutual agreement and made sure not to step on each others toes. This explains the foundation and ownership of almost every slaving vessel which brought Africans to this hemisphere. The major slave traders were also usually members of this monopolistic tribe, or European employees or former employees, or in the case of the French areas in the south many were also French nobles.

One valuable tool which helps inform normal people about the truth regarding this is the African American run website called “We Thought They Were White”, which lays out the truth, names, and exists primarily to deflect African American animosity from the broader European American population. It is only one small website but it does a big job standing against the lies we are all taught in school regarding “collective white guilt”.

I wont bother going into further detail about the history of the slave trade here, because I want you to read “We Thought They Were White” https://wethoughttheywerewhite.tumblr.com/ I want you to bookmark it, I want you to share it, and I want you to post stickers with links to the website in highly visible areas where African Americans tend to gather. These stickers will be for sale at production cost from one of our websites in the future.

I hope this article has helped you gain perspective on the concept of “white supremacy” and enabled you to argue better against the concept when its pushed down onto us from the liars and lemmings which mindlessly repeat what they are told by the people who rule us. Wanting whats best for your own people isn’t supremacy, self defense isn’t supremacy, wanting to live around your own kind in peace isn’t supremacy…. What we want is natural, healthy, and human. Thanks for reading.

On “Whiteness” Part 2

On “Whiteness” Part 2

There are a few extra things to consider in regard to the previous part in this series:

1. President Trump’s recognition that the Jews are their own ethnic group or race. This is despite their constant insistence on social media white guilt posts that they are indeed white. Which means “whiteness” isn’t something reserved for Europeans or people of European descent.

2. The “Black Israelites” which have been in the news lately for attacking or killing Jews have been called “white supremacists” or equated fully with them by the Jewish supremacist pressure groups ADL and SPLC as well as Marxist politicians and some elements of the media. Which means “whiteness” isn’t something reserved for Europeans or people of European descent.

3. On crime statistics Mexicans and other south of the border (non European) “Hispanic” groups are counted as white much of the time when they have committed a crime, but not when they’re victims of a crime. Which means “whiteness” isn’t something reserved for Europeans or people of European descent. Remember George Zimmerman, killer of Trayvon Martin.

4. The census generally counts Arabs and north Africans as “White”. Which means “whiteness” isn’t something reserved for Europeans or people of European descent.

These are just a few more reasons why its absurd to take the word “white” seriously as a self identifier.

The point here is that the word not only is toxic and tainted by the people who use it as a weapon, but that it’s also too broad and meaningless in the modern age to even be an accurate self description.

Clearly this word is NOT an identity. The next time you see a larping low tier moron shouting “white power” ask him how many of the 4 above mentioned groupings are included in his rant.

Remember this: Every group in history which has attempted to buck the status quo and assert itself created it’s own self identity, making sure not to fall into the mental trap of identifying themselves how their enemies do. Over time the identity becomes commonly known. This is how we differentiate ourselves from the rabble, from the people who may have common ancestry with us but who have no sense of identity, no sense of purpose, no sense of the future. Do they consider themselves children of Europe? Would they use the term “European American” as an identity? No, they call themselves white.

Commit to a new path which leaves the baggage and dead weight of the past movements behind.

On “Whiteness”

Why I’m not “White” and why I’m a “European American”.

I’ll preface this by saying that I don’t consider myself “white” and haven’t for some time, despite not really talking about it. Its not because of some recently discovered admixture in my blood. It’s not because of some sudden seething self hatred for myself and my ancestors either. In reality it is simply because it is a terrible term to define yourself by, and not only is it a terrible term it is one that’s owned and defined absolutely by those who are hostile to us and wish to use the term as a weapon against us.

It’s not just that I reject the “white identity” provided for me by the system, with all of its baggage and accusations of being evil, devious, and somehow implicitly demonic. It’s that almost none of the alleged attributes of “whiteness” apply to me. For this reason I consider calling myself white to be as stupid as calling myself a capitalist when I have no capital.

Let’s consider things based on how the word is defined by those who are most likely to use the term “White”. According to them whiteness implies power and privilege, it implies an easy ride in life, it implies that there’s some kind of invisible network that we use to help each other get ahead while holding others back.

The only people I see out there with this “power and privilege” are the rich and the Jews. Clearly its nobody but the rich and the Jews who are able to exercise a collective force to benefit themselves at the expense of everyone else… Clearly nobody but the rich and the Jews are out there saying things like “my fellow whites we have to change this toxic whiteness we all exhibit” and “my fellow white people, it’s time we accept and atone for our privilege” or “my fellow white people we have to stop defending ourselves and think of everyone else”. I don’t see construction workers, or factory laborers, or any type of wage slaves talking about making their own lives harder for the benefit of strangers who don’t deserve the sacrifice.

Clearly the people being preached to and ranted at have nothing to say on the matter because they have neither power nor privilege and are left confused as to how this “systemic white racism” benefits them at all. Clearly if they had power and privilege they wouldn’t be fighting for a livable wage, same as most non-whites. Clearly if they had power or privilege they wouldn’t be training their replacements in the tech industry, the rich then replacing them with much lower paid foreign workers. They wouldn’t be watching construction wages stagnate and shrink over the last few decades as cheap illegal labor undercuts their negotiation power. I sincerely doubt that anyone with power or privilege would be screaming and protesting just for $15 an hour while being unable to stop the influx of foreign people willing to do the same jobs for $5 an hour. Anyone with a basic knowledge of supply and demand can tell you that competition lowers prices. If only Americans were competing for jobs, and nobody else was allowed to come here and get hired, at all, and no jobs were allowed to be exported, at all……… you wouldn’t care about $15 an hour because you would be making much more than that already. This is how it USED to be in the USA, back when a man could make enough money with a full time job to support a wife, and 3 kids, and buy a house, and a car… At this rate the middle class will be extinct by 2030. Where is their privilege?

Well I have some news for you, blue collar European Americans, this so called white privilege doesn’t benefit you at all. You struggle to make ends meet, you have little if any control over who you live around, the environment you raise your children in, and how you are treated by members of other ethnicities. You are more likely to be denied a job or a college entry due to your race than anyone else. You have NO say over who or what you are exposed to in your own neighborhoods or how you are represented in the media, in sitcoms, in movies, in music videos, in the news, or anywhere else. EVERY other group out there can easily complain and protest and make things happen if they are shown or referred to in an unflattering light, but YOU cannot. While one can say that other ethnicities have been shown in in degrading ways in the past, how long ago was that? We also saw redneck yokels mocked: don’t forget how idiotic the Beverly Hillbillies were shown as, we also saw the once hyper-typical New England WASP stereotype mocked. Who have we never seen mocked? The REAL WHITES: the rich and the Jews. I would like to be shown ONE example in American mainstream media where this hasn’t been the case.

When was the last time the media criticized Bill Gates for demanding all of our American tech workers be put out of jobs in favor of cheaper foreign workers? When was the last time Monsanto was put on blast for destroying farmers lives, or bribing politicians, or getting the news corporations to cancel unflattering reports on the health effects of their products? When is the last time someone on TV criticized Israel for using Palestinian children as target practice? There is REAL power and privilege. Let me tell you that our collective power and privilege is much closer to that of the Palestinian children laying in a pool of blood than it is to the people who slaughter them for sport and keep any mention of it out of the news. Clearly we must begin to think in a manner which reflects reality because if things keep getting much worse in the West our own children will face a similar grim reality to those Palestinian children maimed by illegal white phosphorus bombs, or sniped for sport by bored IDF soldiers. Weren’t we all taught that women and children, civilians, are not targets and that killing them is a war crime? Imagine having the power and privilege to get away with something the Nazis apparently couldn’t.

I’m regularly reminded by my Irish pride friends that the Irish in this country, until about 100 years ago, were considered non-white. Now if you are to judge by appearance that would be an insane and nonsensical statement to make, people today would scratch their heads in confusion at the concept of calling a paper white ginger “nonwhite”. Apparently then they were considered nothing more than, as it was put so commonly, “niggers of pale skin”. Why? Well consider that the Irish were often poor, often indentured servants, often having little or no power or privilege on any level at all and having next to no control over their lives aside from being drunk and fighting out of sheer frustration. Does this sound at all familiar? If the Irish were not considered white due to their lack of power and privilege I would say that the entire working class and the vast majority of the middle classes of European Americans are not white today. We have no free speech, we have no right to dissent unless its framed in a way where we are attacking ourselves, we have little ability to criticize those who attack us based on our skin color and heritage. We are the “niggers of pale skin” of the modern age.

In my mind accepting the loaded leftist label of “white” for ourselves is moronic and self harming. What does it serve? The only benefit I can even see anyone claiming is that without calling ourselves “white” people wont be able to claim to be generic “white nationalists” anymore, which in reality is no loss to anyone, we would be better off. I’ll save my reasoning behind that for another article but rest assured the entire concept of “white nationalism” benefits nobody and has accomplished nothing but harm and setbacks for the cause of our survival as Westerners and European Americans.

From this day forward whenever anyone accuses you of being white or having white privilege throw it back in their faces!

Say to these scoundrels that you’re NOT white, that you’re a European American and you have no power or privilege because if you did they would be silenced for harassing you.

Throw it in their faces that the only people on social media calling out whiteness happen to be Jewish or rich and since you’re neither the word doesn’t apply to you.

If they insist on referring to you by that outdated toxic term DEMAND to know what privilege you have. Be ready with the statistics proving that unarmed “whites” are more likely to be shot by the police than any other group, be ready to link to the FBI crime statistics pages, but overall do not back down and do not accept the identity THEY have chosen for you, that THEY have chosen to be a weight around your neck to hold you down with.

Tell THEM to check THEIR privilege. Nobody needs a negative SJW dork harassing them. Demand to know if they’re white themselves. If they say yes tell them to stop using their privilege to harass you because you aren’t white like them. I see absolutely no reason to play their game they way they want us to. Going against the grain in this instance is really in our own best interest. I hope you understand and agree.

At some point when this gains enough traction people will see that there is a clear choice between looking at themselves through the eyes of our attackers or looking at themselves with a clarity and innocence that they’ve never felt before. After all, if they’re not “white” they don’t need to have any guilt, do they?


Thoughts on “White Nationalism”

This image, to me, sums up White Nationalism totally.

I will preface this article by saying that I do not feel an automatic kinship with people just because they are white, I do not support people automatically just because they are white, I do not advocate for people automatically just because they are white, and frankly the idea that I must support and give everyone who happens to be white a chance is insane to me. Its as insane as the idea that I must treat everyone of every other group as an individual rather than as part of a collective whole with dominant traits and patterns. I’m far too busy for that kind of behavior and frankly its below me. It is below anyone who is serious.

Let me elaborate. I am an elitist. I do believe in eugenics to the degree where low intelligence people ought not be allowed to breed, I do believe that some people are beyond saving or being useful because of “how god or nature or fate” made them, how they were raised, and because of their own personal choices and attitudes in life.

For example I find little to no value in a fat, spoiled, soft modern male who never played outside growing up, who never gained valuable life lessons about respecting others, about social hierarchy, about male roles and behavior, about masculine attitudes outside of caricatures regarding beer bacon and beards as promoted by soy sucking hipsters, and who, for lack of a better term, are feminized to the point of being no better than a gelding.

I find no value in white trash of Walmart. I find no value in the sort of people who join groups like the KKK or TWP or NSM or even fake identitarian groups like IE or Patriot Front. I also find no value in soyfaced open-mouthed meme people wherever they may exist. While this may come as a shock to many of you this is actually the correct attitude. Some of you may reply “Who else will we find to join our organizations? Who else will have the time to go march around or put up flyers on car windshields or hang banners from freeway over passes? Productive people with careers and families and potential don’t want to do this.” While you are correct that productive people, people with potential, people with skills and direction and focus in life would not want to join a mediocre group who advocates such juvenile 1980s teenaged skinhead “activism” you seem to miss the implication of all this. Maybe the people who are worth something are onto something, and maybe you aren’t. Maybe the reason you cant find quality, dynamism, or actual growth is because when you primarily seek to recruit those who have nowhere else to go and nothing else to do, then, you, in turn, cause the people with something to offer to reject you.

WN’s can blame others all they want for not wanting to join or support their “super smart and awesome” “totally gonna change everything and save the race this time” organizations, but in reality the blame lies solely with the organizers and creators of the groups and nobody else. It is a theory of mine that these people want to do “something” so badly that they really don’t care at all if its negative, unproductive, destructive, or just pointless. For them the illusion of action is more than enough. The number of times they get mentioned on the local news over their flyers being posted on telephone poles and car windshields is all the evidence they need that they are making an impact. It never once occurs to them that their betters, people who can actually think their way out of a wet paper bag, may not be attracted to such low tier antics, and may have no interest in joining and following groups led by people who have no higher strategic potential.

Of course the blame doesn’t lie solely on the mediocre people who found and run these groups or their even lower tier members who feel important and special for the first time in their lives. No, the blame also lies largely at the feet of people who are here to keep the mainstream narrative on course. For these people nothing is more important than the steady stream of activity and “hate antics” which fuels the media machine, feeds the ADL and the SPLC, and keeps those donations rolling in because the threat of “hate and extremism” is shown to be as high as ever. These are the people who shout from above that we must not “punch right” and that we must “unite despite our differences”. To me it looks like they really want us to do the work for them and destroy the distinctions between our smart people and the destructive freaks so the media and ADL doesn’t have to. To me it seems they’re attempting to make us accept toxic counterproductive behavior from the cringe neonazis, siege freaks, and everyone else. I suppose some people who don’t have a very strong logical ability may agree that the face value premise of unity is good, but these people clearly lack the long term vision to see how accepting bad behavior and ideals as normal will make the struggle harder and harder for us in the long term, especially as the arrests for their unhinged behaviors continue to rise.

When the ADL and SPLC are not using fake anti-jewish hate crimes and fake black church burnings as talking points before covertly removing references to those incidents from their websites, (after they’re proven to be fake), they’re padding the stats with clowns like Cole Williams and his TWP 2.0 group. I’m sure they must feel like a real deal “big boy” group for their contribution to the ADL machine and the mainstream narrative. Apparently nothing is more validating than being a free bogeyman for the people who gain more momentum to destroy your people with. Congratulations and thank you for your service! Lol.

As I’ve stated earlier, this can be summed up by a simple fact which I expect rational people to understand; not everyone is worthwhile, not everyone is worth trying to save, and not everyone has a real contribution to make. I’ve heard in the past that not everyone is fit to be a leader, clearly this is the case but it hasn’t stopped these fail groups from arising time after time. I’ve heard the leaders and members of these fail groups parrot similar sentiments at times, but clearly they lack the self awareness to apply the advice to themselves. I’ve also heard these people say “Well if you don’t like our group go make your own”. This could be considered a valid point, except for the nagging detail that they, by virtue of their low potential, bad optics, bad strategies, bad membership, and general dreg-like lumpenprole existence are being pushed to the forefront of the enemy propaganda machine which really does in essence “poison the well” of discourse for anyone else.

I really shouldn’t expect these people to be smart enough to understand that by virtue of being morons, white trash, hollywood cartoons, and wannabe terrorists (among other things) that they poison the message we all are trying to spread. They make OUR job ten times harder because in order to respectably promote the idea of our survival and advancement we have to simultaneously rehabilitate the image of that idea, we have to present it in a light which isn’t tainted by decades of ugliness and stupidity and white trash organizations acting like the genetic dead ends they are. If we had no baggage from these low potential freaks our job would be much much easier. In light of this it should be clear who is on OUR side and who isn’t.

If you expect to make a positive impact, and if you really want western civilization and our lineage to survive its time to start looking at yourself much more critically. Things are getting worse every day and nobody is acting appropriately. There will be NO “boogaloo” to wipe the slate clean, and if there was one those of you who need this advice wouldn’t survive it anyway. As I’ve said before its time to emulate the real nationalists and identitarians in Europe. Outside of your online echo chambers nobody is impressed with your 1488 WN virtue signaling. Others find it to be a turn off. If you’re serious about making a difference you need to man up, take responsibility, and accept that its your DUTY to serve and protect your people. That includes being approachable, that includes being smarter than the “movement” has ever been. That includes being nonthreatening. That includes acting “normal”. None of your “fashy” virtue signaling will help you with your real task. That also means rejecting the white trash lumpenprole freaks who make it easy to write us all off as morons. Push those people back into the shadows where they belong. They don’t represent me or my people.

Those who are unwilling or unable to do whats necessary to actually make a positive impact were correctly attacked by William Pierce as adventurers, hobbyists, misfits, and freaks seeking some kind of politically incorrect diversion. They have no value to your people, to civilization, or to the cause for our survival.

For those of you out there who are doing it wrong I can only hope you wise up. Time is running out.

National Socialism: An Ideology Meant For One People During One Time in History and Nobody Else

This article is meant to address multiple groups of people who base a large portion of their world view and in some cases even their identity on a false premise, one created by our collective enemies during the build-up to WW2, one meant to misrepresent the German NSDAP and make them into a more digestible bogeyman, and which was picked up by their agents after the war to keep the lie alive and help push the new era of white guilt propaganda into existence.

I will bring up three issues I have regarding this matter and at the end of the article back them up with quotes, most of which come from the NSDAP themselves. Some notable quotes are from within the “movement” showing that the more honest people did know the truth, and that the less honest leaders hid the truth.

What is my goal here? Presenting a hidden truth, showing that the movement are liars same as the system, showing that you all are being told harmful lies to set us back. Morons will claim I must be jewish, antifa, communist, or any other discrediting thing. I would ask these people to give me one example of them being productive or a benefit to the race they pretend to serve. All of the lies and dead weight need to be discarded and it’s time for a new way. My detractors are anything but honest.


I am extremely fond of pointing out to neonazis (sorry, but everyone pretending to be a National Socialist and who uses NSDAP symbolism, rhetoric, or anything else is a neonazi), that National Socialism was not for export. The level of historical knowledge these people have is clearly shown by their responses which are usually along the lines of “What I never heard of that, are you a jew or something?”. The better educated members of the cult may have heard in passing the phrase “not for export” but think it was only said once or twice, that it wasn’t official policy, and that it was said as subterfuge to disorient and hide the NSDAP’s true intentions.

A thinking man would wonder why the vast majority of neonazi/ white nationalist/ bowel movement people would have the same interpretation regarding the motives and intentions of the NSDAP as do the the official historians of the system itself… of course with the one difference being that many neonazis do not believe in homocidal gas chambers. In reality copying your enemies homework and version of history and changing one detail does not do much to make you different from them. The implications are the same either way…… Mainly that the NSDAP was meant to be a Europe or Globe conquering ideology hell bent on Empire the likes of which would have made the Soviet and British empires look like a cake walk or a boy scout fundraising mission. Seeing how many bowel movement weenies obsess over the show “Man in the High Castle” should be enough to cement my point in anyone’s mind.

In order to debunk the myth that the German American Bund was a National Socialist group I will also include a deliberately rabbit-holed quote from their rally in Madison Square Gardens in 1939. Included also is a quote from Diana Mosely regarding Hitlers own attitude toward Oswald and his illogical imagery, since many people regard him as another justification for claiming to be Fascist or National Socialist.


Note: The so called black sun was custom designed by and for the SS to be used in their castle floor. There has never been a sonnenrad exactly like it found in the wild. The people who fetishize this symbol don’t use historically accurate sunwheel designs for a reason. Know that when I talk about this symbol I only refer to the unique one found in the floor of Wewelsburg castle.

The issue of ideological export is only one gripe against neonazis embracing the misinformation and psyops of their enemies and internalizing it. Another is the cult of “Esoteric Hitlerism” which is promoted as the secret underground truth of the NSDAP and more precisely the SS as “it was meant to eventually take over all aspects of society”. These cultists are the first group after the war who used the Wewelsburg Sunwheel, they adopted it as a replacement swastika, and then decided to pile a bunch of made up esoteric nonsense on top of it.

The vast majority of the books written on this subject are sensationalist fictional “alternate history” books written by Jews and pseudo-academics for the purpose of selling books and inventing a sense of mystery around the NSDAP: effectively turning it into a larger than life cult full of demonic energies, flying saucers, the spear of Longinus which allegedly pierced the side of Christ and gives its owner unlimited power, and other stuff that makes you recall Indiana Jones or Hellboy. If you find such fantasy entertaining I recommend the book “the Spear Of Destiny” by Trevor Ravenscroft, but I would advise anyone reading it not to take it seriously.

These people are also fond of the fraud Helena Blavatsky who had her own “sources” of secret inside knowledge which she claims was taught to her by masters in secretive mystery cults, the kind of secretive mystery cults which do not admit or teach their secrets to women. Sounds plausible doesn’t it? Theosophy and its many offshoots including Ariosophy are laughable and while they make for good reading they cannot be taken seriously. The influences of both Theosophy and Ariosohpy are found heavily in the Esoteric Hitlerist and Black Sun cultists ideologies, along with satanism and other things smarter people laughed off long ago.

They idolize another unstable women who decided to call herself Savitri Devi. The name she chose for herself literally means mother goddess in sandskrit. While larping as a Hindian and interfacing with swarthy men she also larped in the same circles as George Lincoln Rockwell. This woman had no knowledge of anything whatsoever, which can be expected from a cultist calling herself the mother goddess.

They also absorb the nonsense written by the attention seeking Miguel Serrano, who of course had no ties to the NSDAP, the SS, or to anyone at all which plausibly could have given him that sort of information. If they were smart they at least would have quoted from Wilhelm Landig (former SS officer) who while not being especially occult oriented did write a nice sci-fi alternate history that presumably has much more basis in reality. He was actually around and claimed to be involved with some things these frauds wish they were. I suppose these “esoteric” cultists can’t be bothered to read works that never got translated into English which again shows that they have very little appetite for knowledge and instead would rather gorge themselves on easily available nonsense no matter how spurious it seems.

Where did this fantasy cult first get their ideas from? Sadly it was the extension of propaganda put out by FDR and his allies who were trying to justify war. Thankfully, despite almost all knowledge of this being destroyed we still have the commentary Josef Goebbels made on the matter which clearly lays out and mocks the idea of this cult and NSDAP expansionist empire to death.


Quite possibly the worst lie of all. The idea that people can larp around in costumes or recycle 1930s optics or rhetoric in the modern age. The idea that justifies freaks and extremists in making the cause of nationalism look bad. The idea that anyone who isn’t a faux national socialist isn’t extreme enough and is therefore weak. These people using the first two historical lies I listed seem to think they will do something other than feed free negative propaganda to our enemies, namely that nationalists are all a bunch of Hollywood style villains and as such any issue which the “movement” openly promotes becomes immediately discredited and ignored.

Don’t believe me? The farm massacres in Rhodesia and South Africa have been going on for decades. At one point there was luck in getting the truth out, to a small degree, despite the best efforts of the system and its controlled news. Then it was picked up as a rallying cry and talking point for the 1488 freak show and from that time on it was nothing but an easily ignored “white nationalist conspiracy theory”.

It remained this way for decades. It would have remained that way forever if Donald Trump hadn’t brought the issue into public discourse which has now freed the issue from the white trash holding it underground and therefore resulted in Russia allowing 15,000 South Africans as refugees, hopefully the first surge of many.

Optics matter and everything faux national socialists talk about becomes tainted and discredited and easily ignored. Why? From where I stand its obvious that this was by design. The white guilt propaganda these people make possible by existing and acting openly result in free sound and video clips for the ADL to use to keep donations and credibility up, free bogeyman for the SPLC to talk about every time they harass normal whites for having self interest, simply put they’re used against average whites by the media every time they do anything at all. They also seem absolutely unaware of the lack of any measurable benefit they have caused for the race they claim to stand for……. Clearly it was all made to fail, and it fails very well. I commend the bowel movement and all of its idiotic members for doing this service for our enemies so well, for free.

Regarding “Not For Export”

Goebbels On National-Socialism, Bolshevism & Democracy (September 10, 1938)

We have modernized and ennobled the concept of democracy. With us it means definitely the rule of the people, in accordance with its origin. We have given the principle of Socialism a new meaning. … Never have we left anyone in doubt that National-Socialism is not for export. … We do not aim at world domination, but we do intend to defend our country, and it is our new conceptions which give us the inexhaustible and ever-renewed strength to do so.

Goebbels 1933 rally “Rassenfrage und Weltpropaganda,” Reichstagung in Nürnberg 1933 (Berlin: Vaterländischer Verlag C. A. Weller, 1933), pp. 131-142.

National Socialism was able to overcome this condition of continual spiritual, economic, and political crises only because the German people themselves regained their composure, and found a political idea and organization that corresponded to the character of the German nation. National Socialism is a completely German phenomenon. It can only be understood in the framework of German conditions and forces. Like Mussolini once said about Fascism, “it is not for export.”

Nuremberg: What is the Fuehrer’s message this week? – Sept 5, 1938 The Telegraph, British Newspaper


The distinguishing note of the speech of 1936 was a furious assault upon, “the mad bestial doctrine of Bolshevism,” threatening the peace of Germany and Europe, which had been effectively countered in Germany by the “great miracle” of Nazism, though this was not for export to less favoured lands.

Interview with Artur Axmann, Nazi leader of the Hitler Youth (Reichsjugendführer), 1940 – 1945 Recorded on August 23, 1990

Click to access RG-50.593.0004_sum_en.pdf

Interviewer: Hitler once said that German socialism was not for export. How do you interpret that?
Axmann: National socialism was influenced by the national character and by the environment, based on the German work ethic while international socialism increasingly took on differential characteristics based on the nation.

Hitler-Bormann Documents, Feb. 21, 1945

The National Socialist doctrine, as I have always proclaimed, is not for export. It was conceived for the German people.

Diana Mosley by Jan Dalley

“In 1935,” Dalley writes:
After Unity got to know Hitler, she wrote in a letter home to Diana that Hitler had said that Mosley was unwise to attempt to import the term “fascism” and to adopt the black shirt–both, Hitler thought, were “foreign,” out of keeping with British traditions, and likely to impede Mosley’s success. A successful political movement had to grow from deep national roots, Hitler believed, and, according to Diana, he always said that “National Socialism is not for export.” He had a brilliant grasp of the mechanics of mass appeal, and knew how to conjure up the power of the past. When Unity asked him what he would have recommended for a British-based “fascist” movement, Hitler replied that Mosley should have referred back to an important national moment–namely, the revolution of Oliver Cromwell–and called his men “Ironsides.”

(Note: Hitlers suggestion to name a revolutionary group after Cromwell was meant as a joke at Moseley’s expense. Cromwells revolution was funded by Jewish financiers seeking to overturn the ban on jews in England and many marxists consider Cromwell’s revolution to be the first communist uprising.)

From Part III of A Heretic’s Hope by S. Michael McMillen as hosted on Ernst Zundels site.


The quotations cited are but a few gems amid a treasure trove of the doctor’s cogent and incisive critiques of Marxism. One might well ask, having acknowledged Goebbels’ stinging critique: “What then? Are we to become National Socialists in order to stave off Clinton’s new world bolsehvism?”

NO – as the question is phrased.

We MUST become nationalists and fight for the rights of our people. To do less would be abject surrender. The Nazis themselves used to say that National Socialism was not for export. They were correct.

Carolyn Yeager Podcast Discussing “Not for Export”


Podcast topic: Why National-Socialism is not for export and the special qualities of and decorations for the German worker

Richard Wilhelm von Neutitschein – National Socialism as the Archetype of the German Soul


Unlike Jewish-Soviet Bolshevism, which in practical terms, and also quite explicitly, openly proclaimed it’s goal of “world revolution” from the beginning, Adolf Hitler stated that National Socialism was “not for export”, and that it was intended exclusively for the German Volk.

Church Of the Creator: document “Little White Book”


Hitler himself stated that the Nazi movement was a political movement exclusively for the Germans and not for export. CREATIVITY is, in contrast, a RELIGIOUS MOVEMENT designed for global proportions to embrace all the White peoples of this Planet Earth.

Ben Klassen – Adolf Hitler Tribute Speech (1989):

“The second difference is that whereas the Nazi party was purely a political movement, and Hitler said so himself. It was a political movement, it was for Germany only.” – “Hitler specifically said that this was not for export, it was a German phenomena, and its main purpose was to save Germany, of which it did a tremendous job.”

Hitler, Adolf ‘The Secret Conversations of Adolf Hitler’ New York, New York: Farrar, Straus and Young, N. Y. 1953 pg 397 (Part 223 of the Bormann-Vermerke notes for the 20th of May, 1942) * Sometimes listed as Feb. 21, 1945

I am firmly opposed to any attempt to export National Socialism.

Hitler, Adolf ‘The Testament of Adolf Hitler’ February- April 1945: L. Craig Fraser edition, circa 1972 page 58 (xiii)

The National Socialist doctrine, as I have always proclaimed, is not for export. It was conceived for the German people.

Dr. Goebbels, Speech September 10, 1938 Ref. Documents on International Affairs, vol.II, 1938, pp.17-19.

Never have we left anyone in doubt that National-Socialism is not for export.

Goebbels FRANKFURT, 31 MARCH 1938.

We are reproached with carrying on propaganda. No, National Socialism is to us such a dear, holy German cause that we feel inclined to pray that God may keep it primarily for our own people. Let the other nations foster their own ideals.

Dr. William Pierce’s personal secretary, Earl Thomas informed the founder of PLE how – in order to become a full fledged member of the Koehl/Pierce/ Lloyd NSWPP in 1967 – he had been sworn to secrecy about never bringing up “those darn quotes of Hitler’s about not exporting National Socialism.”

German American Bund. Madison Square Gardens 1939 rally. Fritz Kuhn

“They are going to rid this country of the “terrible nazi menace”. By nazis they of course mean the members of the German American Bund and its leadership, and usually they have the splendid idea of having us all deported. Let me answer these gentlemen tonight…. That their efforts are of no avail because we have never claimed to be nazis, knowing very well ourselves that nazism is something reserved for Germany, and has no place in our country. The German chancellor himself has many times proclaimed to the world that nazism is not for export.”

Regarding the origin of Esoteric Hitlerism


Here is what Goebbels had to say on the issue, published in Das Reich, his propaganda newspaper :

“This time he made concrete accusations against the policies of the Reich, which he attempted to prove though compromising documents he allegedly possessed.

Mr. Roosevelt claimed that he had proof in his hands that the Axis powers were planning to reorganize South and Central America. They were planning to transform the existing fourteen countries into five states that would be under their control. His proof was a secret map allegedly produced by the Reich government. The American government also claims to possess another Reich document. According to it, the Reich government plans to abolish the existing religions of the world once it has won the war — Catholicism, Protestantism, Mohammedanism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Judaism. They are to be replaced by an international National Socialist church, the cross by the swastika, and God by the Führer. That is what he claims.

It is clear to us that Mr. Roosevelt needed this grand swindle to whip up American public opinion. He needed the heaviest possible ammunition, since the American people are at the moment more intelligent than their government and want absolutely nothing to do with the war in Europe. We really are not all that interested in Mr. Roosevelt’s opinion of the intelligence of his people nor in what he thinks them capable of believing, and normally would see no need to reply to his bald-faced and outrageous lies which so clearly bear the signs of fabrication. In this case, however, it is a matter of a political falsification which seems to us to have a clear and ominous purpose, and gave us such an easy chance to show up the liars to the entire world that we could hardly let the opportunity pass. We had to overcome our moral scruples, however, to confront the liar and ask him where he got these alleged documents from, where they can be found, and if he was ready to show them to the public.

Things went as we expected. Mr. Roosevelt, the president of a nation of 130 million, dodged our questions. He claimed the authenticity of the documents was unassailable; he had them. They could not be published, however, since they were secret and publishing them would reveal the source. And the map in question that carved up Central and South America had markings in pencil which could compromise the source that provided them. He, Roosevelt, did not want to cause any difficulties for the poor chap who passed them along.

As one can imagine, Roosevelt’s answer was not very convincing proof of his hair-raising allegations either at home or abroad. Our tough questions bore fruit. We used the press and radio to propose to the American president that he might publish the incriminating map of Central and South America, perhaps either erasing the ominous pencil markings or covering them up with paper, and to at least publish the text of our notorious plan to begin a campaign against all the world’s religions once the war was over, from Jehovah to Confucius to Christ.

We looked further, and since we could learn nothing more given the stubborn silence of the accuser, we attempted to lure him into a response by massive attacks. Alas, the normally talkative gentleman seemed to have forgotten how to speak. Even the attempts of the American press to learn something more as he visited one of the famous skyscrapers were in vain.

The Reich government published two formal denials on 1 November, which boxed Roosevelt’s ears so strongly that he had to chose between revealing his documents or proving himself a forger and liar to the entire world. He chose the latter. The U.S. press gave headline treatment to the German denials and asked for a response. Mr. Roosevelt accepted the blows, rubbed his checks and said nothing. We made every conceivable suggestion to ease the publication of the documents, but the U.S. president preferred to be thought a liar and forger than to prove his absurd accusations.”

– Added commentary taken from the post in the above forum for clarity:

Roosevelt’s claim of a German plan to “abolish” all religions and replace them with a National Socialist religion is quite clearly bogus, and is not supported by pronouncements by Martin Bormann, the most anti-religious of the National Socialist leaders.

The Bormann pronouncement posted by the moderator is clearly the statement of an aim to reduce the political influence of the churches over the German population. It is not a statement of an aim to “abolish” any religion, ie to prevent individuals from adhering to or practicing a particular religion. It was the statement of a policy of combating the political activity of religiously-based organizations, not of combating religious beliefs themselves.

As part of the policy of combating the political influence of the churches, members of the National Socialist Party and of other National socialist organizations, eg the SS, were encouraged to officially resign from the churches of which they were members, and to adopt the status of “gottgläubig”, ie believers in God not affiliated with any church.

Since in Germany members of a church pay taxes to that church (the taxes are collected by the State), a large number of resignations would weaken the churches financially and thus as a source of opposition to the Government.

However, there was no compulsion to resign from church membership. Many members of the Party remained members of churches, even members of the SS could retain church membership without penalty.

There were a few anti-Christian enthusiasts who tried to revive the native German wotanist religion, but Hitler personally had nothing but scorn for them, as is shown in his recorded conversations.

Regarding the return of National Socialism

After Hitler’s secretary, Gertraud “Traudl” Junge, typed up his Last Will & Testament, she realized that she had just witnessed an enormous turning point in history – even if the paperwork for it was a bit blurred by the need to uphold the fight outside and long range legal necessities; so she simply resorted to asking him personally if National Socialism would ever be able to return again. Hitler answered with a very clear “No.”

He also added, that even if an entirely fresh movement was to appear in the distant future, at best it would only have some similar characteristics. (Ref. ‘Swan Song 1945’ by Walter Kemposki, 2016, Chapter 8 of 14 – 5011).

In Conclusion
Make of this information what you will, but know this is historically accurate information. At this point the only people who will deny the implications of this article are either liars or have an agenda which is not interested in truth.

Clearly the answer for the west is not neonazism, the WN bowel movement, or anything short of real nationalism which excludes both of those things and their baggage.. Either fight for the truth or fight for comfortable lies which only benefit our collective enemies. Your call.

On Christianity: Why I refuse to attack it and why you shouldn’t either.

I’m going to start this by saying that I am not a Christian, but I am deeply sympathetic to it for various reasons that I will explain. I think that the obsession with attacking it instead of the direction its going is extremely toxic and overall bad for any positive political or social movement. This article is based purely on moral conviction and logical reason. Nothing more and nothing less.

1. Who attacks Christianity? Why do they do it? Why are you on their side?

Most of the worst attacks on Christianity come from people who also see us, our civilization, and our culture as an enemy to attack just as viciously. Many years ago I foolishly attacked Christianity alongside these people and didn’t see it for what it was. I did so enthusiastically and I did so frequently. I used many of the same arguments that many of you use today, many of the same arguments that our collective enemies use, inadvertently placing myself somewhat in their camp. While I never liked our collective enemies and hated them just as much as I do now I refused to see what I was actually supporting.

It’s impossible to deny that there is a strong and all encompassing attack on Christianity itself coming from many directions simultaneously, but all of the attackers are firmly banded together in a coalition, united in this cause. Who are they?

– Marxists. Karl Marx coined the term “opiate of the masses” and ever since all of his political followers have retained the same attitude or taken it farther. Communist countries have gone as far as shutting down churches and incarcerating priests and nuns and faithful followers in labor camps. During the Spanish civil war churches were burned, priests were murdered, nuns were burnt alive and raped, and their corpses were dug up and desecrated.

– Social Marxists. The Frankfurt school and its followers consider it an impediment to their destruction of the family unit, social tradition and order, and an impediment to moral relativism. Just as they attack traditional family structure to cause societal weakness they also attack Christianity. They seek to subvert traditional western morality and replace it with their own twisted form of morality.

– Moslems. While they technically consider Jesus to be a prophet they are extremely hostile to Christianity and attack it and try to have its practices and holidays and public signs of adherence banned. They seek dominance wherever they establish themselves and consider Christianity a roadblock to their progress. They want to assume total political and moral authority through a monopoly of religion in the areas they live.

– Jews. If it’s not Sarah Silverman tweeting about how great it is that the Jews killed Jesus it’s some random local coalition protesting government buildings with Christmas holiday displays, public businesses with mangers, crosses hanging up, Christmas caroling, public prayer and whatever else. They do this while attempting to have the same government buildings put up displays with menorahs. They will have a collective seizure over a Christian display at the white house but are happy to make the white house display a giant menorah on the front lawn. Those of us who are well read have also seen what they say in the talmud about Jesus and know well that this has been their attitude for almost two thousand years.

– Anarchists. Those among you who have been paying attention have surely heard the term “no gods, no masters” at least once. While some of you may agree with this slogan please understand that you have a short sighted view and don’t see the long term effect of this attitude. When these people say that slogan they are also rejecting all traditional morality, not just the sort seen in Christian values that have inspired society to stay on a certain course, although imperfectly. The absolute rejection of the spiritual relegates man to a material only being living in a world where nothing at all has any higher purpose or moral value other than what mankind decides to apply to himself. If there is nothing larger than yourself to live for life loses that extra meaning that comes from spirituality of any stripe as long as its sincere, and in the end people are nothing more than intelligent meat machines. This all leads to nihilism.

– Neo-pagans. These are especially cringy individuals who are little more than the fedora wearing atheist “intellectuals” of the past who have found a new cool image. They rarely espouse legitimate and historically valid views regarding their professed beliefs and instead use ancient paths as a vehicle to superimpose their hyper-modern SJW values into; including anti-white self hatred, marxism, anti nationalism, cultural relativism, anti-traditionalism, and so forth. Over the past ten odd years I’ve watched these creatures multiply in numbers so quickly that now they make up the majority of the so called “pagans” in the world and online. They set the dominant culture and this often bleeds over in many ways to the “nationalist pagans” and folkish elements. It has gotten so bad I haven’t represented myself as one openly or engaged socially with them or their groups for almost ten years. Their antics have inspired similar attacks in return from “nationalist christians” and traditionalists so often that in many cases they have caused a fragmentation in our circles that doesn’t deserve to exist at all.

– Corporations. Nothing annoys the greedy capitalist machine more than a spiritual path which tells people to be frugal, to save, to plan ahead, to reject consumerism, to reject globalist consumer pop culture, to reject hedonism, to interfere with their profit margin. They are threatened by people who value the family, traditional roles, housewives, and tightly knit families. Those who feel that they have the justification from a higher power to defend these things are a thorn in the side of those who would make us all consumer clones.

– International Finance, Bankers, Credit Companies. This is the easiest of all. Imagine how unhappy they would be if Christianity found its root values again and usury was banned in the west, or even if Christians simply refused to participate in a system of debt.

2. My second reason for supporting it goes back to a point I’ve made several times earlier. Morality. People maintain that we don’t need religion to make us moral and I would agree to some extent, but morality comes from two places in society and two places alone. Philosophy and religion. The problem with allowing philosophy to alone dictate morality is that it is much more easily subverted and that it comes in far too many forms. Religion, and especially Christianity is supposed to be monolithic. It is supposed to have universal core values that are largely common even among all of its factions.

The problem with philosophy is simply that you’re left with whatever form the rulers of society want you to have. Everything from Socrates to Marx to the insane cocaine fueled rantings of Freud to the Art of War by Sun Tzu can be considered philosophy. For example the Art of War is the philosophy of successful and strategic warfare and tactics rather than some kind of direct manual. It is intended to show you a certain way of thinking that you can apply to many things. Marx wrote a philosophical doctrine that has been interpreted differently by different people and governments. Philosophy can be changed, rewritten, banned, bastardized, and reinvented much more easily than spiritual and religious beliefs. The Frankfurt school took very little time to adapt Marxism to the promotion of social degeneracy and decay and the co-opting of “marginalized groups” when they realized that the working class wasn’t interested in their nonsense. Their newly invented world view, their philosophy, its a toxin that’s ingrained in every feminist, every leftist college student, every SJW, progressive, and every politically correct nice guy in the USA. Their philosophy gained so much influence so quickly that we see it manifest in new extreme directions every half decade or so. Look how easy and fast it was. It wouldn’t have been easy at all if Christianity wasn’t already subverted from within. Degenerate philosophy will not rise to dominance if higher, spiritually based values also exist and are firmly rooted in the people.

As far as I’m concerned real Christians have never attacked me for my beliefs, they have never attacked me at all for any reason. They expressed concern and interest in me that was less selfish than many others in my life. Of course they wanted to convert me, they wanted me to join what they see as the truth and the right side of things and I don’t blame them for it at all. That’s something we all do to some extent with our views. There are quite a few hypocrites, quite a few who misunderstand how they should act, but realistically they are only about as legitimate as the churches telling us we should respect their pro-homosexual anti-religious clergy who want to remove crosses and put in Moslem prayer rooms for the sake of inclusivity.

It took me a good long time to arrive at this viewpoint. I’m now at the stage where I admit freely that despite its shortcomings Christianity has been a net positive for the west and deserves the respect and defense of us all. We never would have had the crusades, we never would have had the winged hussars driving the Turks from Vienna, we never would have had the Spanish inquisition and reclamation of European lands from hostile invaders. Thanks to the positive influence of religion alcoholism in Russia has gone down in almost the exact ratio that church attendance and membership has risen.

Everyone reading this needs to make a choice on where you truly stand. Either you respect and tolerate something which has largely been good for us all over the past millennia, up until the point where infiltration and subversion has made it almost terminally ill, or you side with the people who are destroying it, our civilization, and our people.

It is impossible to separate Christianity from Western Civilization unless you reject the last 1700 years of European History.

Are you going to willingly disown your heritage, are you going to let your enemies win?

On George Lincoln Rockwell Part 1

The issue of Rockwell and his lasting impact seems to come up relatively often and is a matter of strong contention between the “true believers” out there who refuse to think critically about anyone deemed a martyr or hero by the “movement” cult, and the pragmatic skeptical people who realize that the man in general was extremely counterproductive and that his lasting legacy is toxic still today.

We see a great many people out there agree when people bring up the toxic imagery and actions of so called neonazis, many eagerly attacking people they see as counterproductive to the overall cause that we seek to represent, which is self interest and self preservation of our people and civilization. As eagerly as these people attack so called neonazis they almost always veer down the avenue of bringing up “skinheads” and making the conversation about them. Apparently too many people these days think skinheads are neonazis and nobody else is, but from where I and other actual nationalists stand everyone pretending to be a heir to the NSDAP legacy is a neo-nazi. The word itself literally means “new nazi”, these people are nothing like the old and have no ties to them other than the superficial and a strong fetishism for their symbolism and aesthetic. Furthermore it is technically impossible for anyone of them to be a legitimate National Socialist considering that National Socialism was the doctrine of the NSDAP written specifically by Hitler for the German people of his time and nobody else, I would go on to state that he and other high ranking party members stated often that it is “not for export” to others. In light of this established historical fact it’s already plain to see that Rockwell was illegitimate in the first place and as such will be treated that way for the duration of this article.

To fully understand the Rockwell situation we need a clear view of the time and culture in which he lived and acted. The post WW2 boom was the last era of overt pride seen in the USA. To the vast majority of European Americans there was no end in sight to their dominance and as far as they were concerned their status as heroes was cemented in the fabric of reality for all time, raising them above the level of criticism regarding any social or political issue. They believed they had just fought the good fight and rid the world of the ultimate evil, as per the propaganda of the day, and as such were absolute heroes. They lived secure in a time of economic boom, technological breakthroughs, hope about the future, constant talk of colonizing space and having flying cars. They really believed that the world was headed to a utopian futuristic state and their kids or grandkids would be off playing manifest destiny in the stars as per Buck Rogers and other space cowboy fantasies.

The great depression was a fresh memory in the minds of many people, the ugly reality of WW1 trench warfare was active in the minds of a sizable portion of the population and many of the adult males a generation younger similarly had unpleasant stories about pestilence and death in Europe from the follow up war. This was an era of hope for the future and bright times ahead. The vast majority of Americans, even those who were below the poverty level, had an attitude of hope and good cheer. Recall the parody cartoons from Loony Tunes regarding the “world of tomorrow”. At this point the fear of a nuclear stalemate with Russia blowing over into Armageddon was still relatively new and not at the fevered and pessimistic pitch it would be later on. I cannot impress upon you enough that this was an era of optimism for the future and bright times ahead. This was the era where people’s minds were filled with ‘The Jetsons’ and John Wayne movies. A high trust society where people regarded honor and respect as the ultimate virtues.

The absolute last thing any white American was worried about was being called racist or offensive or an oppressor, sure they had their views and liked their segregated communities in both the north and the south, but that was just natural to them. Racially aware attitudes were the norm rather than the exception back in this time. With all of this positivity and optimism most people saw no reason not to trust the government and media.

Then the forced integration began. The vast majority of white Americans opposed it. While the integration movement was the strongest in the south the most vicious race riots took place in the north. Again this was a nation-wide push for change which was more noticeable in the south due to the fact that the south had explicit laws regarding segregation, while in the north it was mostly implied and self enforced through peoples right to freedom of association. Despite this state supported social change many people refused to see that the government had become the enemy and that the right of Americans to live as they wished was under attack.

At this time, however, despite the utopian fervor present in most people, there were a few Nationalists out there ringing the alarm bell and attempting to get people to see what was waiting around the bend.

Myself, I half think the massive economic growth and utopian mindset injected into the public mind through the media was an intentional distraction to keep people from considering that darkness was being planned for the nation. Lulled into a false sense of security after such hard times how could anyone not feel optimism?

In the golden era of post war Nationalism we had figures such as Eustace Mullins (the protege of Ezra Pound, and the first man to write a book on the true nature of the Federal Reserve Bank), Senator McCarthy (who you should be familiar with if you’ve gotten this far), John Beaty (veteran of both world wars, intelligence officer with high clearance during the second world war, author of several historical novels, and the first man post WW2 to author a book exposing what was happening to the nation and who was behind it), and significantly Robert Welch of the John Birch Society (the first and most overtly powerful Nationalist organization, who had the strength to influence presidential elections in a way that’s only rivaled today by AIPAC).

During this time you also had the political evolution of an enigmatic man named Lyndon LaRouche taking place. He was still politically confused and only as good as the information he had (still being a marxist and communist sympathizer), but he was on his way to building an underground network and organizational empire which would rival that of the above-ground JBS in size and impact. By the mid 1970s Lyndon LaRouche was a hardline American Nationalist purist, regularly pointing out the machinations of the Zionists as well as the “British Empire”, a term which he used to describe the Rothschild and other Globalist Financiers of the type which now include people such as George Soros. LaRouche was significant in that he was the first to implement what I refer to as Guerrilla Political Activism. He was a constant headache for the system and a serious thorn in its side. He had contacts in the intelligence community which were sympathetic and gave him information and he also had well placed sources in private industry and politics around the world including the Soviet Union. He ran multiple businesses to finance his operations and as such he was the most successful man in American Nationalism post war. Presumably his success is the reason for him remaining nearly unrecognized by the far right. The bowel movement (an old term for the ‘movement’ or ‘WN movement’ favored by National Alliance members which is extremely accurate) is not fond of making heroes out of people which are better than the low capability pessimists who make up the majority of its base. The amount of subversion LaRouche was able to throw at the left and the hidden hands who pull the strings is beyond comprehension and would require a big book to fully lay out. Although, to say he was infallible or all knowing would be absurd as he was taken advantage of by the cointelpro operative Roy Frankhauser who managed to get himself employed as an intelligence operative of LaRouches organization for a period of time.

Considering that we had an extremely complex and well respected, not to mention influential Nationalist movement in the USA during this time it should be very telling that most of you are unaware of its existence and the efforts made by these men to change the course of history, instead most of you think everything post-war started with a flashy, crass, vulgar, and moronic acting man in a home made brownshirt costume who regularly shouted “six million more” and “this time the world” for tv cameras to give the ADL much needed fodder to use as the first white guilt propaganda fed to Americans.

Rest assured that this is by design. You only know what the system wants you to know. The system wants to make sure that all nationalistic and ethnically conscious attitudes are attached to a freakish bogeyman cult which would disgust normal people and turn them away from considering the views it represents, instead of a nationalist community full of intelligent, dynamic, self made men with highly respectable accomplishments in life who may be worth listening to.


The most intelligent and capable man to ever come out of the bowel movement was Dr. William Pierce, and during my early days in the dissident right, in the late 90’s and early 2000’s, he was an almost universally attacked and hated voice of reason by everyone who wasn’t a member or ally of the National Alliance. In his last years he obsessively and viciously attacked the bowel movement, costumed freaks, 1488 clowns, hobbyists, wannabe militants, and in personal rants in the NA compound he even viciously attacked Rockwell for his legacy and the mess he left behind to hinder real progress. This was a hard admission for Pierce to make because a genius level man has a genius level ego and it is extremely hard for one to admit he is ever wrong about something so big, often choosing to stubbornly take his sin to the grave instead of admitting fault.

To quote sections of a Pierce speech from his last days:

“This is something that is obvious to many of the people who we want, but it took me a few years to learn the hard way: to shun hobbyists, to have zero tolerance for people who like to dress up in uniforms and shout 1488 and give roman salutes to tv cameras. I suspect there are still a few Alliance people who haven’t yet developed zero tolerance for these freaks… and that’s why I harp on the subject so often……

You know, people who talk about fighting the enemy in the streets really aren’t interested in winning. They just get a buzz from talking about fighting the enemy in the streets. Their talk is pure self indulgence, pure hobbyism. We are a long long way from the point where we will be able to gain any advantage in the streets. We may want to have a security force for certain functions before then, but what will be notable about that security force besides character and commitment will be discipline and skill, not beer bellies and tattoos (lol twp and nsm, etc).

To sum it up: the Alliance has no interest at all in the so called “movement”, we are not interested in uniting with the movement, and we are not competing with the movement for members. If anything we should be grateful that the movement is out there to soak up a lot of the freaks and weaklings who may otherwise find their way to the Alliance and make problems for us.”

– What did he mean there? Why is it that the smartest man to ever come from the bowel movement attacked and discredited it? He knew as well as anyone else it was Rockwell’s legacy. Often in his days at the NSWPP he would get irritated and implemented a rule banning membership from anyone who brought up “those pesky quotes about National Socialism not being for export”. What made him change? Why did he found the Alliance to be the exact opposite type of group? Why was a founding member of the National Alliance Oliver Revilo, also a founding member of the John Birch Society? Why was another founding member Willis Carto, later of the American Nationalist Liberty Lobby? I think its obvious that he figured out the truth early on and walked away from the scam, but for strategic purposes attempted a semblance of diplomacy with the sort of people he would later grow to hate.


Taking into account the nationalists who were gaining traction and making serious waves what benefit would we get from a clown in a costume driving around in a “hate bus” and giving Hollywood movie villain optics serious airtime?

The text on Rockwell’s “hate bus” has been replaced with something more accurate.

People out there make many excuses for Rockwell’s costumes and antics. They claim that any publicity is good publicity. This isn’t a viable excuse considering the culture of the time, when anyone as brash and bad mannered and offensive as him was universally hated just because everything he did was in poor taste. He acted like this in a healthy society which still valued manners and respectability. Any argument that he was making a positive change through notoriety is absolutely delusional and his antics are better compared to a shock rock band from a later age where society had already decayed and edgy off-putting imagery that offended older people was a big selling item.

Even if publicity through notoriety was his true aim, what kind of people are attracted to negative subcultures like the one he was trying to create? Antisocial people, defective people, losers, misfits, people with no hope to make anything of themselves. Good recruiting material for a cult, very bad recruiting material for someone who wanted to be taken seriously and promote racial or national self interest…. But very good recruiting material if you wanted to make a bogeyman which causes its claimed views to look ugly by association with such disreputable folks.


Facts which by themselves make him a suspicious character:

1. Funding.
Where did Rockwell get the money for his cult? He never had his own income. Eustace Mullins maintained that his main funding came from the ADL itself and I would assume that is correct. Mullins spent some time at Rockwells “compound” trying to figure it out and that was his opinion at the end of it. Lyndon LaRouche confirmed this and added related sources and I quote: “Funding for Rockwells American Nazi Party reportedly came from leading ADL-connected “Our Crowd” New York Banking Families such as the Strauses, who are better known for their controlling interest in Macy’s department store”. One must really ask how much money a man would need to purchase houses and property, clothe and feed around two dozen men, purchase vehicles, purchase printing presses, hold a stockpile of printed material held for later resale, and so forth. This was not cheap. He had donors with deep pockets. Consider how expensive old time printing presses were, consider manually typesetting each page, consider that you would need to print thousands of copies of each book to turn the slightest profit, and consider that most copies just sit around waiting to be sold if you’re only offering them through a mail order catalog. Either Rockwell was gifted several hundred thousand dollars worth of equipment and printing materials or his good friends at the CIA ran Regnery Publishing helped him out.

2. Rockwell the actor.
It is generally not well known that Rockwell’s parents were Vaudeville stars and he was raised around actors and brought up as one by his parents. His father was famous for a whacky character he invented called Doc Rockwell who acted very much like Jerry Lewis later did. I firmly believe Lewis heavily borrowed character influences from Doc Rockwell. In the acting community it’s well known that people use props to help get into character. Rockwell’s father used nerdy glasses and a bowtie to get into his character, Rockwell stole General Patton’s aviator sunglasses and the corncob pipe from General MacArthur to help get into character. Considering how much time he spent around actors and the heavily kosher community revolving around theater, comedy, and everything else he shockingly had very little negative to say about it. His upbringing is a good thing to remember when we consider how he basically lived up to the Hollywood stereotype of a Nazi villain, going as far as ranting about global conquest and shouting “six million more” publicly.

3. Rockwell the repulsive.
It should be obvious to most people that a man shouting obscene and bad mannered movie villain rhetoric on the evening news would be off-putting to normal, healthy white people in the healthy society of that era. The logical result of his antics and optics would be repulsion. It is well known that Dr. William Pierce often had this same argument with Rockwell, but Rockwell never was interested in adjusting himself according to the advice of smarter men, even to the point of refusing to expel Frank Collin after Frank was publicly exposed by his own father for being jewish (due to the amount of open jews Rockwell had in his group I suspect he knew about Frank all along).

Indeed how could a man dressed like the last great national enemy ever hope to gain any kind of respect or support for his views from a nation full of veterans, widows, and grieving mothers who lost sons in the war? He spent a great amount of energy inventing excuses for his antics, but it all falls flat.

4. An eerie recollection from Eustace Mullins.
In the early days of the JBS Eustace Mullins was a member and would often go to their conferences. In these events they would rent out event halls in more upscale hotels and after the event many of the men would retire to the hotel bar for refreshments and casual conversation.

In these early days the ADL had no real bogeyman to complain about and so they would instead protest the JBS meetings, calling them nazis, picketing outside, and generally attempting to have them discredited and gain sympathy using the same old tricks they have used since the war ended.

Of course using those smear tactics and buzz words against respectable business men and successful military veterans and people who were well dressed and well spoken wasn’t going to help the ADL propaganda machine or their donation income very much…. But they did have a plan.

As recalled by Eustace Mullins on an interview video I watched long ago the ADL protesters came into the hotel bar after the conference and attempted to be friendly with the JBS members. “No hard feelings fellas, it’s just business after all. The politics stay outside. Let us buy you a few rounds of drinks.” And the ADL members attempted to intoxicate the already buzzed members of the JBS which included Eustace himself. At some point the friendly drunken banter turned to subversion, of course, with the ADL members suggesting something along the lines of “Well you guys are basically nazis anyway, why not just be open about it? Why not go public and say what you really mean? Why not be radical? You don’t even have to use the symbolism, but if you did who would blame you? It is America after all, you have freedom of speech.” of course the JBS members were no fools and knew fully well what this meant. Eustace Mullins recalled that the ADL members were laughed out of the bar.

Of course this story is extremely significant considering that not too long afterward Rockwell showed up doing exactly what the ADL was busy looking for someone to do…….

My personal list of reasons on why Rockwell was controlled opposition:

1. Daniel Burros
Burros was Rockwells party secretary. The official story is that when Burros found out he was jewish he committed suicide. The real story is that Burros was suicided by a double tap to the back of the head at his good friend Roy Frankhausers home. Frankhauser was a cointelpro agent and informant who over his career worked inside the communist party USA, the minute men, and the KKK. The reasoning for this is that Burros contact information was found in Lee Harvey Oswalds personal phone book and loose ends needed to be tied up. That should come as no surprise, since anyone worth his salt knows the self-chosenites had JFK removed, it stands to reason that the militant ones involved in psyops and active subversion would be connected in some way.

2. Frank Collin. Frank was Rockwells protege. He was meant to be the eventual second in command / replacement and when Rockwell was killed he attempted to assume control of the cult. There was a strong rejection of this and the cult fragmented with half of the people leaving with Frank to start a new group of their own. The reason for such heavy disliking of Frank was due to his regular purchasing of then legal underage homosexual pornographic materials as well as Frank’s father exposing him to the group as being Jewish in order to have his son thrown out. Predictably Rockwell refused to remove him.

3. Importing the O9A from England.
It has been established that National Socialism was not for export, was not an internationalist or globalist ideology or government, and was never intended for anyone but the “German Volk” in German lands. This is explained and documented in a companion article which will be posted later on.

Despite not being able to claim a credible connection to actual National Socialism Rockwell went far out of his way to prove the system and Hollywood hysteria correct and show that it was indeed a globally minded ideology of conquest. One tactic used to further this agenda was the establishment of what he called the “Wold Union Of National Socialists” which united similar controlled opposition groups in various nations in order to present the image of an international menace. The first foreign group to join was the NSM, which was an English neonazi group that had already managed to be totally infiltrated and subverted by the O9A. As such when they became equal partners with Rockwells own group in this Larp Union of Controlled Opposition they of course did their usual subversive and infectious techniques to spread satanism and even more freakish and extreme cultism which eventually resulted in the outright militant posturing of Tomassi and the Satanic militant bogeymanism of James Mason. It really shouldn’t be be shocking to anyone that these freakish individuals are connected to a satanic group whose philosophical outlook can be best illustrated in the terrible novel “Iron Gates”.

4. Rockwell’s dedicated liaison for the ADL.
Jack Anderson, the protege of “Washington Merry-Go-Round” columnist Drew Pearson was Drews official liaison to the Rockwell. The tab for Anderson’s expenses was paid by the ADL according to sources which Lyndon LaRouche had. Pearson ran public relations for the ADL by building up Rockwell’s group as a major public menace while maintaining regular and friendly phone contact with Rockwell. Rockwell made these contacts in the print media while he was employed by William F. Buckley to help found the “National Review” magazine. During this time with Buckley he was picked for his role as the ADL’s “fuhrer”.

5. Dishonest and Inaccurate Larping.
One significant action taken by neonazis around the world which is historically inaccurate and more akin to something from Hollywood is public displays of attention seeking. These either manifest as a protest or as a flag march or a combination of the two, often with a bullhorn and subordinate members of these groups standing around glaring menacingly at counter protesters. This is another Rockwellian invention with no basis in pre-WW2 history (unless you count the antics of Moselys crowd, who were also considered illegitimate and an object of polite ridicule by the NSDAP. See accompanying article for more information) and again is done purely for the effect that the image presents later through the tv screens as white guilt propaganda to aim at average whites.

The only pre-rise to power example of the NSDAP marching with their flags waving was during the beer hall putsch. Aside from that all incidents of them marching around with flags was while doing victory marches and celebrations after they won power. The idea of marching around in a pretend victory march before they gained power probably would have made the NSDAP laugh and mock whoever presented it.

All NSDAP meetings and speeches were given in controlled, secured, and well guarded areas with roaming patrols of SA in the area hoping to head off and prevent protesters or violent enemies from showing up in large numbers and ruining things. There never were any public events or speeches where the party leadership would have been targets for the police or communists. This is simple logic, logic which larpers and bogeymen for the system absolutely lack….. because lets face it. Effective private meetings and speeches don’t make good video clips to cry over on the evening news. The ADL had enough of closed meetings while trying to subvert the JBS.

While it is obvious why Rockwell and his protege Frank Collin did public attention seeking events, seeing as they were controlled opposition, it may not be apparent why people still do it today. Simply put these people are just Rockwell’s legacy, attempting to go through the motions of what he did without understanding the why, because they think it gives them legitimacy. Absolutely incredible that he was so successful in building his cult that today the ADL has people doing this stuff for free.

6. His assassination.
The lie that cemented his legacy as a martyr and hero for the “movement” he created. The official bowel movement story is that he was assassinated by the system due to being a threat. Really nobody but an idiot would consider anything threatening from a man who told people he would become president in 1972 with the campaign slogan “Jews are thru in 72”.


In reality he was killed by a man who was his sidekick and minion. A Greek fella who changed his name to Jonathan Patler. While accepting ridicule over his swarthy Greek features he became incensed that Frank Collin with swarthy Semitic features was left alone. He tolerated a lot of abuse in the group from Rockwell and his cronies including Collin. At some point it became clear that he saw through the lie and the ensuing arguments led to him being thrown out of the group. The official reason of his dismissal was “sympathy for marxist views” which was absolutely absurd to accuse someone of who toed the line obsessively and looked up to Rockwell like a father. Of course he left saying he would be back, later ambushing Rockwell at a laundromat and shooting him to death. Interesting to note is that in a semi-recent interview “Patler” says he still loves Rockwell like a father. Definitely not the words that would be spoken by a government assassin, or marxist infiltrator. Those are the words of a true believer who found out the ugly truth and had his world shattered before his very eyes.

7. James Guttman.
While evidence tying him to activity during the reign of Rockwell is sparse, it is easily proven what he was responsible for doing under the watch of Frank Collin in the late 1970s. This is a good indicator of how neonazism is used by Zionist interests, as this is the only known time in which their machinations backfired and they were exposed in the public media.

In this instance I will include several paragraphs in-tact from the “Counterintelligence” section of LaRouches publication:

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As you can see this speaks for itself. Anyone enterprising enough can research the names involved and despite the system liking to keep the truth scrubbed from the history books you will still be able to pull up references to confirm what is said. Who has noticed that there are a lot of fake hate crimes and fake antisemitic incidents perpetrated by the people who pretend to be victims? In reality this was the same thing but on a much larger scale.

8. The obsession with “Hate”.
Many people today complain that “white pride” and innocent white self-interest are equated with “hate” everywhere from wikipedia to the news media to the government. Very few people are willing to accept that this was another of Rockwell’s efforts which simply played out to its logical end. Taking over “pro white” views from respectable people simply by the act of shouting more loudly and being constantly featured in the media was the avenue by which he did this. One specific method was by, among other things, riding around in a so called “hate bus” and giving the media the opportunity to report on every event he rode to as an “expression of hate”. It’s plain to see he helped discredit the pro-segregation protesters simply by showing up on their side wearing his costume in his “hate bus”. The long term effect of this and other actions is simply equating everything pro white with hate.

What does all of this mean? How should we act in light of this information? Any smart person would know that the only purpose of controlled opposition is to discredit the position of all sincere opposition via guilt by association. We all should by now be familiar with the quote by Zionist Movement founder, Rabbi Theodor Herzl when he said that “in the future the anti-semites will be our best friends”. It is time to recognize just how literally he meant this.

As far as I am concerned the entire 1488 / WN / whatever movement is corrupt from the roots up and as such is worthless. You cannot build something strong and healthy from a damaged foundation. If you have ever wondered why the bowel movement has accomplished exactly nothing since the time of Rockwell until today your question is now answered. There is no way to separate the poisoned antics and optics of the past from the present and reform it. I would advise everyone to disavow it and all of its slogans and symbolism, and actively attack it while promoting a clean untainted path for the future, free from all of the baggage it has built up.

What of the future? We live in a time where more and more European Americans are seeing the truth, or at least seeing that something is severely wrong. We live in a time where more are looking for answers than ever before. By its very nature the “movement” is meant to turn functional and respectable people off. They will predictably look elsewhere for answers, and many will even be hostile towards the truth due to the way that the bowel movement has misrepresented it for the past several decades.

A prime example of this is the fate of the Rhodesians and South Africans. White genocide in South Africa has been ramping up for decades and since the only people talking loudly about it were the counterproductive freaks in the bowel movement the situation was dismissed and ignored widely by almost everyone who heard about it. That is the effect that the movement has on truth. Sadly the only way to change that was for Donald Trump to bring it up and make it a matter of national news. At that point it no longer was a fringe topic represented by ugly freaks, but a mainstream issue. Of course our enemies continued framing it as a “white supremacist” conspiracy theory after Trumps statement to keep it out of the public mind, but it failed. This resulted in multiple petitions for allowing Afrikaners into western nations as refugees, and even resulted in Russia granting citizenship rights to any which chose to move there.

We clearly need something new and nontoxic, we clearly need a nationalism which doesn’t disgust people who have been programmed by the system and which can propel them to the truth without facing the stigma of being “one of those guys” that the media wont shut up about. As far as I’m concerned the Identitarians in Europe have the right idea. They have spread information and awareness to the point of helping German and Austrian citizens recognize the dangers of the UN treaty regarding unlimited and unchecked refugee resettlement. Despite massive media blackouts and repression this resulted in massive protests in Germany filled by normal, average, patriotic and productive citizens. No bowel movement group has ever had such a positive impact, none has ever done anything but set the cause back. As far as I’m concerned groups like Lega Nord are also showing a different, correct idea. They have managed to gain power in Italy and are becoming more popular with each passing year.

I and others are working on something new and positive for Americans which will attempt to fill this need. We want to change things for better and we wish to help our people and benefit them, not disregard them as the “movement” does because they refuse to share edgy memes and worship bowel movement heroes or larp as national socialists. The time for hatred towards “normies” is over.

Be the future you wish to see. Either you are with us or you are against us, and any of you who choose to hold the cause back due to love of the larp are the enemy. If you follow Rockwell’s movement you serve the Zionists whether you are honest enough to admit it or not.